Me, Myself & God

I went walking this morning with my coffee mug in hand.  It was a gray, drizzling daybreak, and 53 degrees.  Then I came back and sat on the breezeway to read my Bible, and spend time with God.  I like having these morning devotions.  They help me start my day on a positive note.  I start out strengthened and inspired, better prepared for anything that may come along.

I am glad that I have faith in how God does things.  God's ways seem to be very crazy and unfair to many, with 911, Jeffrey Dahmer, Sandyhook, slavery and war.  Many wonder if there is even a God at all.  If there is, they muse, he is very non-compassionate, selfish and self-centered.  Not a loving God at all, but a monster.

Some feel that starting my day with God is no different than starting the day with Yoga, meditation, exercise or other life-enhancing practices.

As I drank my coffee, listened to the winter birds and squirrels, and observed the leaden sky, I thought, anything can happen today.  There could be a devastating event in my life today.  A great blessing could come into my life today.  

I took another sip of my smooth, sweet coffee, and got up to start my day.
Image Credit: prettyinprint