Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Your Tears Speak: Scott David Buckley Ministering To The Fractured Mind

Do you ever feel that no one hears your cry or acknowledges your suffering? Does your faith waiver under the burden of difficulties and challenges? Have you ever wondered if anyone even cares about what you are going through? Do you feel lonely, deserted, ignored or alone? Well, you are not alone at all, though it may sometimes or often feel that way. Let this skilled, Christian poet take you out of yourself and into the arms of The Christ who cares for you. This gentle, soothing free verse poem will remind you that your advocate is even now at the right hand of God speaking on your behalf, and giving to you a hope and a future.



Scott David Buckley

I can hear you.
Your tears speak to me.
Voiceless words only I can understand.
Can you hear me?
I cry too.
I am right there with you.
Holding you.
I know you.
I know who you are.
I care about you more than you know.
I see everything.
I feel everything.
My heart breaks for you.
If only you could see.
The love that comes from me.
You need not suffer.
No, suffer no more.
I'd wipe away those tears from those eyes.
Be silent no more child.
I am listening.
You don't need to say a word.
Your tears speak to me.
I can hear you.

©2012 Scott David Buckley

Scott David Buckley is a fellow Christian writer and friend who lives in Newmarket, Ontario. In addition to his blog, he manages several Google+ Christian and mental health communities. He generally writes poetry that bores into the deep well of psychological trauma and despair. He often then flips it and offers the healing balm of spiritual knowledge and faith in Christ.

This minister through verse calls himself, "an 'Alternative Christian', meaning I seek a personal, intimate relationship with God through Jesus the Christ, minus all the trappings of religion & man." If you've noticed in the image, he has a large, short-haired, cream-colored companion named Somewhere, who is always with him. Though Scott is journeying through healing from mental illnesses, he emphatically states that he is not his diagnosis. Here is some of what he shares about his challenges, victories and ministry.

"I must mention though, with my illnesses and all I have never been closer to God than I am now. He has even used me and my illnesses to reach out to the silent, those without a voice. Those who, like I did for so many years, suffer in silence for fear of ridicule and judgement. Which I have experienced and still do." 

"Now, I'm not saying God wants me to have these illnesses, that couldn't be further from the truth. But there are those who need to know that they are not alone, nor are they the only ones who feel as they do and experience that which they do. That there are those like-minded (excuse the pun) and share the same experiences and feelings and do actually understand to a point."

"So, I have become that voice to others that need to hear and see. That's why this poetry blog exists and my other writing blog, Broken Mirror, and my two Google+ communities, Alternative Christian Community and Mental Health & The Christian. These are all ministries that God has given to me and are the means for me to reach those who maybe otherwise wouldn't be touched."

"I must add that it is the Holy Spirit that guides me in everything, in the words I write and so on. I seek only to follow God's perfect will for my life, I seek to use the gifts He has ordained me with, one being the gift of encouragement. I am sitting here punching on this keyboard solely because God gave me life instead of letting me die all those years ago and many other attempts since."

"By God's grace alone I have been saved and I have been chosen, as are all God's children, not by any merit of mine, not by any choice I made, only by God's, and His alone, grace and love I have been chosen. I write because there are so many people out there that have no voice. I hope to empower people, to inspire people, to encourage people. I hope to offer some kind of hope, however that may be. And remember no one is alone in anything. God surrounds us all with His grace and unfailing love."

Visit Scott's blogs and G+ Communities here:

The Poet Mind -

Broken Mirror -

Alternative Christian Community -

Mental Health & The Christian - This is a private group. You must be a member to view the posts.
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