Saturday, August 2, 2014

Seeing The Ducks For What They Are

We serve a Good God, the Most High God, the Only Wise God, the One True God. No matter what is looks like and sounds like, God is in control of our lives, if we've given him that. It is said that if it looks like a duck and quacks like duck, it is a duck. The world, the flesh and the devil would have us believe that the struggles, difficulties, challenges, trials and tribulations that we are experiencing is just the way it is, and will always be. There is another way, though, to think upon this.

The negatives in our lives that look like ducks and sound like ducks are not ducks. They are not what it is. The only thing that IS is our God. He has our very best interests at heart. The Heart of God IS. The Heart of God IS alive. The Heart of God IS caring.

If you are challenged today or tonight; depressed, downtrodden, disturbed, disabled, devastated, dislocated, discombobulated or demeaned, remember what God can, will and IS doing in your life.  He IS the Great I AM. He's not just some shadowy, idealistic vapor in our imagination, and way up there somewhere. He is here. Let go. Believe. Submit to his loving care, his instructions, his prompting, for he IS: the RESTORER, the RENOVATOR, the REVEALER,  the REPLENISHER, the RENEWER, the REVITALIZER, the REJUVENATOR, the REFUELER, the RESTOCKER and the REDEEMER!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
(I Chron. 16:34 NIV).
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