Sunday, August 30, 2015

True Peace Is Possible For You

The Law is certainly a hard taskmaster, and the devil uses it to browbeat Christians. Most Christians struggle with the insidiousness of this oppression. We're born under The Law, and rather than being left behind when we step over from the flesh-based life to the Spirit-based walk, it (The Law) usually piggy-backs on our re-birthing. It tags along as we begin our journey with God.

Christians become confused by scriptures that state faith without works is dead, we are our brother's keeper, avoid the very appearance of evil, if you keep my commandments and but be ye doers of the word and not hearers only. Because of this, we often actively help with the erroneous integration of the doing of The Law into our lives.The admonishments and encouragements mentioned above are Biblical, good, true and totally possible, but the realization of them in our lives is not Law-based.

Dealing with these guidelines and instructions through the spirit of man ~versus~ through the Holy Spirit of God produce opposite results. These results, which correlate with holiness, are not obtained by working to do The Law. These are Holy Spirit-based results that instill true peace, rather than creating a false peace resulting from us continuously searching for it, as in trying to do The Law.

When we are at peace, we know that we have allowed the Holy Spirit to create holiness in us, thereby fulfilling the law, so that we can live in the freedom of not having to strive to fulfill it ourselves.

Holy Spirit-based holiness also reduces the incidence of Christian judging of others. The Law judges. If we live by The Law (which means we would always be in a state of attempting to, because we can never fulfill it), then in addition to having a judgmental spirit about others, we also constantly judge ourselves. This is one of the ways in which the peace of God eludes us when we try to do The Law to make ourselves righteous and without spot or wrinkle. True and everlasting peace cannot develop and thrive under these conditions.

Peace flees when we are constantly aware of the faults of others, and judging and condemning them. Peace is repelled when we carry the burden of our own faults, struggling to correct them and make them line up with The Law. Peace is annihilated when we strive to do The Law, rather than doing the work of believing Christ.  When we arrive at true peace, we know that we have allowed the Holy Spirit to create holiness in us, thereby fulfilling the law, so that we can live in the freedom of not having to strive to fulfill it ourselves.


Man + The Law = no peace or false peace.

Man + Christ's Atonement = TRUE PEACE.

Image from Pixabay Free Images