Thursday, February 4, 2016

You'll Feel Better Right Away

One of the most wonderful things about God's Word is its ability to remind us of the help, love and abundant provision that we have.

When we don't feel like reading, and we're not feeling particularly faith-filled, if we will just pick up something and begin to read, we'll be refreshed. This uplifting and renewal can come from Christian books, pamphlets, devotionals, scripture cards, and even song books,
not only from the Bible. 

The Holy Bible, however, is the best book to incorporate into our daily schedules. His Word restores and invigorates. It is everlasting and endures to all generations (Psalm 119:89-90).

So pick up something of God, and start reading, even if your heart is not into it. You'll feel better right away.

Image: free images
Scripture text added by: The Handmaid