It Will Pay Off

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, go apart and read a little of the Bible. Even if you don't feel like it, and you just don't think you can, do it. You'll feel better. Just as you have, I also have asked why God allowed certain hard things to happen in my life, especially things involving my son when I was raising him. So much seems unfair. Some Christians say that we should never ask God why, but it is hard not to when we have suffered significantly throughout life.

God understands our hurt and frustration. Usually, there is no answer at this time for what seems senseless and unfair. But we, who choose to love God, believe that there is a reason for these things, because the Word tells us so. We hold on because there WILL be an end, whether we die or experience the Rapture first, and we don't want to be left out. We want to be with God forever and ever, so we hold on, through the pain of daily life in this world. We know that if we keep reminding ourselves of our faith in The One True God, the God who provided the Savior Jesus Christ for us, it will pay off in the end, and all pain and tears will be wiped away, forever.


Bible Images:
Church Image: Artsy Craftery Studio, "Village Idyllic" watercolor detail