Sunday, April 24, 2016

Praying For Public, Private And Unknown Souls

~ Pray For Mercy From God For That Soul To Be Saved, If There Is Any Chance At All ~

Some Christians are devastated about the untimely passing of Prince, and wonder about the condition of his soul. Once a person, whose salvation we wonder about, has passed on, the only thing that we can do is pray for mercy from God for that soul to be saved, if there is any chance at all for that to happen after death. The person may even have already been redeemed, and we had no evidence of it.

~ We look at a person's lifestyle and judge that they could not possibly have been saved. ~

Many Christians, most probably, believe that it's too late to be saved once the last breath is drawn, and that a person has to have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior before he/she dies. There are also some Christians who believe in a pergutory, a place where the departed soul that is unsaved can go to work out their salvation. There has always been much controversy and scripture-slinging misuse of God's word about it. Christians also believe that the members of some denominations or Christian groups have a better chance at becoming saved than others, even when they believe similarly. We look at a person's lifestyle and judge that they could not possibly have been saved. No way, man.

~ We don't know what has happened in her/his heart at any given time. ~

The truth is that even if a person has never given a public testimony about being Born Again, and even if their life does not reflect it, we don't know what has happened in her/his heart at any given time. We also don't know how long is the time between the drawing of the last breath and the traveling of the spirit on to its destination, and what may or may not happen during that time. Man thinks he knows so much, when basically he knows nothing.

~ Pray for God to have mercy on the soul of anyone who has passed on. ~

We all have special feelings for certain ones, and celebrities and public figures make it easy for us to forget others. We should practice, at all times, to be moved by the condition of the souls of every human being on this earth. I remind myself of this, and shift my focus when some well-known, popular person passes on. This is one of the largest areas where we can pray without ceasing, to pray for the insurance of salvation of everyone that we know, that we hear of, that we see, that we learn of, that we like and that we don't like, everyday, before they leave this earth. Pray for God to have mercy on the soul of anyone who has passed on, along with Prince. That will help ease our sorrow, and remind us to always focus on being prepared. Our time could be up here, or Jesus could return any moment.

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