Sunday, April 17, 2016

Understanding And Harnessing The Mind As Ron Carpenter, Jr. Teaches

I was listening to and watching Ron Carpenter, Jr. teach, in his series about the MindWorld, about our understanding of enemy activity in our lives. I felt pressed to share some of his outstanding quotes with you. Like Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind series, I believe in teachings that draw the Christian's attention to the importance of working with the Holy Spirit to take control of and harness the mind. I believe that success as a growing Christian comes through understanding and applying this basic and critical principle.

I do plan to read Pastor Carpenter's book The Necessity of an Enemy, and listen to all of his MindWorld series of teachings. His understanding helps the growing Christian to practically apply the principals of God to every area of life. Here are some of his quotes from the book The Necessity of an Enemy:

"Learning how not to get too high on life's highs or too low on life's lows will help keep you stable."

"But poverty has nothing to do with income; it has everything to do with thinking. Poverty isn't a financial state of affairs. It's a state of mind."

"If you give a cash windfall to someone who's been poor throughout life, the money will quickly vanish. If you leap over several levels of financial responsibility and strength, you don't learn how to be wise with your money."

"Faith comes by hearing, not by seeing. Most people think the opposite of faith is doubt. Not true. The opposite of faith is sight. The enemy wants you to live by something that you saw, something that contradicted what God said about you."

"If you can beat it in your mind, you can beat it in your life."

"If you are passively living life, it's going to pass you right by and your enemies will tear you to pieces."

Here is more info about Pastor Ron Carpenter, Jr., where to buy the book and where to listen to the teachings on Youtube. You should read the reviews at Amazon, Goodreads or anywhere you can find some. Decide for yourself if his book and teachings about this subject can benefit you. Some comments, as usual for anyone who writes and teaches, are quite degrading and critical. Others are appreciative. Make your decision yay or nay, pray, and be led by God's Spirit in you. Don't be moved solely on what others say. Use those opinions as a guide.

About Ron Carpenter, Jr. -

Website & Church: Redemption

Book The Necessity of an Enemy: Amazon -

Youtube Lessons:

The Necessity of an Enemy part 1

The Necessity of an Enemy part 2

The Necessity of an Enemy part 3

The Necessity of an Enemy part 4

The Necessity of an Enemy part 5

The Necessity of an Enemy part 6

The Necessity of an Enemy part 7

The Necessity of an Enemy part 8

Image: Free Images
Quotes: The Necessity of An Enemy. (c)2012 Ron Carpenter, Jr. Waterbrook Press:Colorado.