Friday, May 27, 2016

God Is The One Who Is Winning Thank God

God is not a man, who would need to lie. You are safe, though you may feel distressed.
If you believe that God is for you and supporting you, then who can ultimately succeed with their plans against you? What evil influence means for bad against you, God is turning in to good for you. Despite the fact that it seems like all negative, damaging, destructive, distressing and evil forces leveled against you are winning,

God is the only one who is winning.

If you are connected to God through rebirth in his precious Holy Spirit, and growing and becoming more rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus, you are winning too. Those who are living in the darkness in which you used to be, who are allowing themselves to be used as instruments of harassment, mistreatment, conflict, exploitation, oppression and abuse in your life, think that they are winning. They are gleeful that their evil devices seem to be succeeding. Even to you sometimes, it seems like they are winning at every turn.

But rest assured, if you know God, and are drawing nigh to him daily, and seeking his face, then God is winning.

If God is for you, who can be against you. In the end, who is able to succeed against God? If Lucifer was not able to defeat God, then how could your enemies ever be able to? Why fear what man can do against you, or to you. Eventhough the problems, issues and afflictions may be very difficult, and seem at times to be unbearable, somehow, sometime, eventually, sooner or later, it is going to work out for your good. What is happening is not good. It is not God's will for your life, but he is allowing it to happen. This is very hard to accept in many circumstances. Remember that God knows the end of it, whatever that end may be and whenever it may come, and he has planned for the result. This suffering is going to be used to bless you in some magnificent way. It will be magnificent whether the blessing is small or large, and whether it is here, in this life, or the next.

If you read his Holy Word, you know that we have promises from God, and God is not a man, that he would need to lie. You know that there are promises designed to manifest in this world, in this life, and those that will be delivered when you are gone from here, and living with God forever and forever. His Word says that he who delivered up his Son for us all, how shall he not with him freely give us all things? You know that the blessings of God are also for this world, as well as the world after this one. We don't know, as we are living here, what blessings we will receive along our life course, and which ones will be given in the New Life.

So, continue to open yourself up to all of God's blessings, today and everyday, the blessings that come in good times, and the blessings that come in bad times. Remind yourself in the most difficult of times, and never forget, that,

If God be for you, who can be against you?

Who can ever succeed against you, really?

Scriptures: Romans 8:31, 32
Image: Free Images