Thursday, July 14, 2016

Christian Non-Biased Thoughts On Racial Misunderstandings

This graphic and the serious social questions that it poses was posted at Facebook by Domenic Colangelo of Phoenix, AZ.

I read it at least 3 times because it sounded so important. It sounds like 3 groups or 3 opposed factions are locking horns in the monologue, though it is all about race relations. Realizing that we all have strong convictions, I wanted to respond from as non-biased of a position as possible. So I decided to put aside my convictions, annoyances and frustrations and speak in a way that will help ALL people. That meant that I had to retreat into my Christian re-born spirit, and speak from a Godly viewpoint, rather than from a fleshly, worldly one.  This is my answer to his questions, and to a hurting world:

A lot of them are coming from people who covertly and overtly don't want to change from their attitude against others. No matter how much it is explained, they don't WANT to understand.

From my Christian viewpoint, most of us can pray that Good will overcome in all situations; but we know from God's Word that the world is on a downward track, and that there WILL be a final, preordained end to every bit of it. Until then, we each should think GOOD and do GOOD, and not allow ourselves to be drawn into divisions and warring factions.

Remain neutral in all things and spread the Love of God, which is impartial. Most of all, allow ourselves to be more used of the Spirit to present the question of SALVATION to others. The time is fast approaching, no matter how long the world has already been going on, for God to wrap it up. Until then, a lot more worse things are to happen more rapidly, whether you and I are here, or not. We can always do GOOD, but the world can do nothing but become worse. God does not lie. He has no need to. His Word tells us what to expect.

We should be leaving a legacy of Jesus Christ everywhere that we can, so that if we should leave before Jesus comes, we will have left something for those who are still here to grab hold of. Our younger relatives should have our legacy of hope in Jesus Christ to remember when we are gone. The younger we are, the more people we can touch, as the Lord leads, because naturally we have more time.

We can continue to think GOOD and do GOOD, to be lights in this dying world, but we cannot make this world into a Utopia. That task is reserved for God, by God; and he will do that at the end of time, when time is no more, when he has sent Jesus back again, and he has put an end to evil and everything and every being associated with it.

Pray without ceasing.

Image Graphic Credit: Domenic Colangelo, Phoenix, AZ.