Sunday, August 29, 2021

God Is Magnificent!



Oh Father, magnificent and Holy God,

Who keeps his promises and compassion

For those who love him,

We give you all of the glory

And praise!


Daniel 9:3 (Paraphrased)


Let's praise our Father God for everything that he has done for us that we don't know about.

Praise him for all of the little things he's done for us.

Praise him for the big things that he's done for us.

Praise him for causing all bad things to work out for our good.

Praise him for his loving kindnesses and mercies.

Praise him because he is the most high God, the only wise God and the one true God!

He is worthy of all praise in any and every circumstance, no matter how we feel, no matter what has happened or has not happened.

He Is Worthy! He is Worthy! He is Worthy!