Monday, September 13, 2021

Trusting In God

We who love God choose to lean on him in spirit and in deed, just as we lean on the arm of a person for support so that we will safely arrive at a destination. We lean on Our Father God to arrive at a destination of strong faith and obedience. (Isaiah 51:5)

Trust means to not turn right or left off of the path on which we discern God has us. We might not know all of the facts about what God is doing in our lives but we have an impression in our spirits of how and where God is leading us.

Because we can't see very far in advance, we hesitate, ruminate and complicate our obedience to Our Heavenly Father. Despite that, we know that his Spirit is bearing witness with our spirits that The Most High God is doing this thing.  

Because we choose everyday to live by trusting The One True God, we know him and he knows us. (Nahum 1:7)

We have a personal relationship with The Great I AM. We know that we can go to him anytime of the day or night, physically in formal prayer or mentally when we can't be alone with him. We do this so often that we are familiar to each other. We trust him because we ask all according to his will and in the name of his precious Son and the only Savior to mankind, Jesus Christ.

We are meek and humble. We choose to not only trust in God but in his very name. (Zephaniah 3:12) We may not know what to pray but we remember that we can call out any name in the Godhead when we are afraid, distressed or confused. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Father! Father! Father! Holy Spirit help me! Help me! Help me! God recognizes and honors our trust in him everyday.