Sunday, October 23, 2022

Showing Compassion For Others

The World Accepts Whom The Church Rejects

His phone rang in church by accident during prayers.
The Pastor scolded him.
The worshippers admonished him after prayers for interrupting the silence.
His wife kept on lecturing him on his carelessness all the way home.
You could see the shame, embarrassment and humiliation on his face.
He never stepped foot in the church again.

That evening, he went to a bar.
He was still nervous and trembling.
He spilled his drink on the table by accident.
The waiter apologized and gave him a napkin to clean himself.
The janitor mopped the floor.

The female manager offered him a complimentary drink.
She also gave him a huge hug and a kiss while saying, "Don't worry man. Who doesn't make mistakes?"
He has never stopped going to that bar since then.

Sometimes our attitude as believers drives souls away from Church. Our attitude breaks our relationships, destroys our families.
You can make a difference by how you treat other people, especially when they make mistakes.

(author not known)

Our Heavenly Father is The God of Compassion.

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior Compassionately pleads our cases before his Father.

The Holy Spirit Compassionately comforts us.

Let us likewise be always quick to show compassion towards others.