Sunday, September 24, 2023

Succeeding Despite Ridicule: A Testimony Of Faith And Persistence

When my first writing (which was a poem) was selected for publication decades ago, a close and much older family member retorted, "Don't think you're better than others!"

That hurt and affected me negatively for years but I kept on writing and studying about writing and publishing. That and other slights and rejections starting in early childhood crushed my spirit in many ways. 

Though that mean comment often replayed in my mind, it eventually faded into the distance. Though it had done damage, one day I found myself to be successful, in satisfaction and fulfillment, in pursuing my writing goals.

Nothing comes to perpetual dreamers who only rest and fold their hands. Successful people do the things that others don't like to do and that others ridicule them for. They invest time and consistent effort in visions that burn within and they never give up.  

Compassionate people do not oppress others in their tender growth. They endeavor to build up those who are trying, especially children and teenagers whose lives can be destroyed through consistent insults. It is difficult for some to rise above non-support and oppression.  

Though others laughed at me and brushed off my efforts throughout the years, ridiculing me and saying in derogatory ways that I liked to play with papers, I kept playing with those papers. I kept writing and editing and filing and re-filing those draft manuscripts. 

Through the years, my files bulged and I dragged them to everywhere that I moved. I had unrelenting faith in what I was doing and an ever-burning love of the craft of writing and publishing.

Today, I am the only one in my family or in my previous circle of associations, that I know of, who has published books. While I've found creativity in my ancestry, I've not yet found anyone who published a periodical or a book.

Despite the rejection and derision that I have endured, I loved writing and other creative abilities that I'm blessed to have. I'm SO grateful that what God put in me could not be killed. I've done nothing but improve and progress over the years, adding more skills and talents along the way. 

It was hard to rise above the dejection that dogged me but God brought me through even when I did not know him and was not open to him. It was He who blessed me with my creative talents and He protected them, as He has protected me in many ways. 

I have published 7 themed journals, 1 prayer prompt journal, 1 children's book, 1 business book and am about to publish my 11th book, which will be my 2nd Christian book. 

Glory be to God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit! I now rely upon them entirely for my acceptance, validation and support. So Grateful! So Thankful! So Blessed!

My encouragement to you is to hold on to what you believe about the good thing that you are doing. You must choose to believe that some where, some way, some how you will accomplish what your spirit is burning to do. 

Our Father has given you all that you need to succeed. It is inside and members of The Godhead will help you to use the tools which you have been given. You are special! You are loved! They care about you! Press on! Keep going! Don't stop!