Poetry: He Will Turn It Into Good


I heard a man on TV today,

Who spoke about suffering and trials to allay,

The feeling that struggles are really for nothing,

The often unfairness and our life's contorting.

He said if we could not determine a cause,

That we can be certain and give this applause,

That we will come out of it richer inside,

The strength that we get will show on the outside.

Some trials are too heavy, some burdens beyond,

What we think is fair, way too much put upon.

But there is not anything God cannot use,

To make our lives better, to help us improve.

That does not support that our pain is ordained,

That God must make sorrow for blessings to rain.

He does not need trouble and horror and woe.

He needs not the evil from that pit below.

We live in a world that is set on a course.

The fault is not ours so we feel no remorse.

We know we can't change Satan's evil world reign.

The Blood of Our Savior we use as a bane.

Don't think about quitting or turning on God.

To God be the glory and give him a nod.

He will make it right, this old world has to go,

And all of the pain and the suffering and woe.

So what can't be changed will be taken for you,

And made as a blessing, to help others too.

Just keep holding on and don't dare you forget,

That you will come out of it richer and blessed.


©Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope

Christian poems about hope, poems about having faith, lyrical faith poetry, faith poems and encouragement