Showing posts with label John. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Grace And Truth Came Through Jesus

The Law Was Given Through Moses, But

Grace And Truth Came Through

Jesus Christ.

John 1:17

This means that we are no longer debtors to the Law but we are now free, delivered and redeemed through the given shed blood and unblemished body of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on Calvary fulfilled the Law of God and destroyed the power of the Law to kill us. 

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, for the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death.

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1-4

This is what Jesus did for us. We can't understand, in the flesh, the magnificence of His obedient and holy gift. We can only catch glimpses of it as we seek God's face.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Free Printable Bookmarks John 3:16

Free Christian Bookmarks Printable

Featuring John 3:16

Choose a white background, lavender or yellow. You can download all 3, free of charge, but each has to be ordered separately.

Order and download here.

God bless!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

God Is A Reveal-er Not A Stealer

Everything that God suggests that we do is to inspire, elevate and prosper us. Everything that God suggests that we don't do is to benefit, heal and deliver us. He's the God of revelation. He reveals what is best for us. Our Father did not send his Son Jesus to take from us. He sent him to give to us and open the eyes and ears of our understanding.

Those of us who are saved can remember when we did not want to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. We felt that we had to quit this, stop that and cease things. Most of those fears stem from religion. Man has turned God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ into religions. Religion binds us. The way that many Christians promote religion hinders God. 

God's purpose frees us. He is not a religion, nor is His Son or His Holy Spirit. They are. God is and he wants the best for us. He loves us. He simply wants us to come into the knowledge of the truth. 

God wants us to receive a power and understanding that we never knew existed. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and he was obedient to Our Father. All that Jesus did was for us because the Father said so. The works of the devil are to deceive, cheat, mislead, blind and keep the lights out. 

Jesus said that he came into the world as a light so that whoever believes in him will not have to live in darkness. (John 12:46). The love of God takes us out of darkness and ignorance and brings us into his marvelous light. We can then understand and receive from him all that pertains to life and godliness. (II Peter 1:3

When we understand and accept that God always wants to give to us, it helps us to be more obedient to the guidance of his Holy Spirit. There is nothing there to steal from us and to make our lives miserable. It's all about the revelation of light.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

With God All Things Are Possible

Do you believe or do you need Our Father to increase your faith? 

The Holy Word tells us over and over again...ALL things, not some things, not a few things, but ALL things are possible to him who believes. 

If we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, he hears us. IF we believe that he hears us, then we know that we have what we have asked for, BECAUSE we asked according to HIS will. (I John 5:14-15)

All of the scriptures that encourage us to believe in the impossible, including Matthew 21:21-22, Matthew 17:20, John 15:7 and Mark 9:23, are explicit in stating that ALL things, ANYTHING is possible.

I don't believe that the Bible states things just because they sound good or that it doesn't mean what it is plainly saying. Our problem is that in our fleshly minds we demote The Word.   

Choose to believe today! Ask Our Father to increase your faith today so that you can start promoting The Word to where God intended it to function in your life.

This plaque, Nothing Is Impossible With God, was made by a young lady who presented it to me, many years ago, when I was moving away to a new start in life. She was apologetic because when she made it some of the glaze that she added ran down the front. I assured her that it was beautiful. I cherish it. No matter where I am, I display it so that I can see it.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Closer Than Ever To God

Sometimes, I have heavy burdens and feel alone just like you do. I'm learning and growing through these times. The Word is a lamp and a light and we just have to keep at it, keep praying and keep choosing to believe. Though not always easy, it's as simple as that. Putting His Holy Word daily into our minds gives us the stored-up strength that we need to beneficially endure these intense journeys.

God often gives us relief, at the last minute, from our severe struggles. When we feel we can't take anymore, we cry out and push forward against all odds, determined to believe that he cares. We refuse to be defeated by the world, the flesh and the devil. At those times, we remember that we have the power of God living within and we hang on by a thread of heartfelt determination. It is then that relief comes and our spiritual branches painfully grow a little more. (John 15:5-11)

After that, God mercifully gives us mental and emotional rest for a time. We can then catch our breaths, square our shoulders and see clearly that we are doing better, that we are closer than ever to God.


Sunday, September 19, 2021

How To Easily Memorize Scriptures


It's important to memorize scriptures in order to hide God's word in our hearts. Being able to accurately recall his word gives us power to think like God and to resist the devil. With all of the unrest in the world, we can't be sure that the time will not come when we will be persecuted for reading and carrying Bibles. One day, if Jesus does not come back before, it could become a crime to possess a Bible. It's also a good feeling to be able to quote scriptures. The Word of God is alive and springs into action when we have it within us. 

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it will be done unto you. John 15:7 Abide means to live, stay or remain.

Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You! Psalm 119:11 In order for something to be hidden it has to be claimed, possessed and kept.

The Word that we read and hear has to be claimed, possessed and kept so that it will remain, stay and live within us.

The Word tells us about ourselves and what to feel and how to think. When we read or hear the Word, then walk away and forget that Word that we've heard, it's hard to walk in the light, be transformed and receive God's best. James 1:23-25 

Jesus did not hesitate in quoting God's word to Satan. He didn't fumble around, try to quote it or misquote it. He spoke it with confidence and power.

 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 

"It is written again, 'You shall not tempt the Lord your God."  

"Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve."  Matthew 4:4-10

The main way that I memorize scripture is to put notes or print-outs on my bathroom mirror or wall near the sink. I started with pieces of paper, then index cards, then I started designing printable graphics. This keeps the scripture that I want to memorize in front of me each morning or whenever I do my daily toiletries. Whenever we get up, we have to prepare for the day, so posting them in the bathroom is a good way to begin memorizing them.

When I want to learn a scripture passage (several scriptures in a book), I look at my note or graphic and start by reading the scripture reference. It's also important to know where the scripture is found. Then I look away and repeat it. I then read the first scripture or part of it if it's long, look away and repeat it.

I move to the second scripture, read it and then repeat it. I'm not trying to memorize the scriptures, I'm impressing them on my mind. Eventually, I can quote them without looking. It's really amazing. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes. I know that one day I will have committed the scriptures to memory. 

I always select scriptures that have special meaning to me or that help me with struggles and difficulties. If you do this, you will have a better incentive to do your reading and repeating exercise each morning.

Remember that God is always willing to help us. If you feel the importance of memorizing scriptures, it doesn't matter if you've always had a problem doing that. Just ask Our Father and he will help you through His Holy Spirit. Write out on a piece of paper or an index card, a scripture that means a lot to you, or print it from the internet. Start committing God's Holy scriptures to memory, or start again, and realize new power each day.


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Freedom From Bad Memories

We've become adept at suppressing distressing and painful chips and chunks of memories. At the time when bad things happened to us or when we did something bad to others, we were not able to process it, so we buried it and hid from it. This is often the source of an unhealthy mental state.
Hurtful memories cannot be laid to rest as long as they are suppressed. Offending persons cannot be forgiven as long as the thoughts of them are suppressed. We can't forgive ourselves until we face our offenses. The results of trauma cannot be converted through healing and deliverance as long as they are suppressed.

God shows us how to get free of the debilitating effects of these hidden facts. When the Holy Spirit allows a memory to surface, it's usually at the most unexpected time. It's often something that you think would be long forgotten and in which you are surprised that it has come back to memory. It was always there and we are adept at fooling ourselves that anything that we are not conscious of doesn't matter.
Don't ignore the pop-up memories that God allows to plague you. Face the feelings that they unearth. God often asks us to relive painful memories so that we can endure them in a new state of mind that can go through and overcome them. No, it's not fun and it doesn't feel good but if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. All things have become new. (11 Corinthians 5:17) Painful memories can only be crucified by facing the origin of them.
I am on that journey of deliverance. Bad memories, the ones that we were able to bury deep inside, are like gray shadows behind a thick, gauzy, misty curtain. Something is there but consciously we don't know what it is. Despite that, it effects our personality and our daily life.
We would never open the curtains to see the trauma that doesn't exist but God is able. Our Father, in his loving kindness and mercy, would never force us to face something that would cripple or destroy us any more than it already has. We usually don't know but God knows when we are strong enough. 
You might say, Well, it sounds like I would have to relive the bad experience in my mind and emotions. Yes, you would to a certain extent. Experiencing some parts of traumas with a strengthened, spirit-filled heart again lays them to rest. God decides what we are to revisit in our emotions and to what extent. We feel these old but potent, living emotions with a reborn mind and heart, abilities we did not have back then.
As we grow in Christ we become more able to handle difficult circumstances. We were not able to handle what was happening before, especially in childhood. Because of that, the secret memories keep hurting us today.  The whole point is that we can't go back and change things but Our Loving Father will help us come to terms with the bad memories from traumatic experiences.

Allow God to take you through the healing process and purge you of bad memories because of past offenses. You don't have to keep hurting and suffering through things that you did or didn't do, or things that someone did to you or didn't do for you. Even though you are lost about it all, you are not alone.
Stand firm on your daily prayer life and determine to have faith in your daily Bible reading, because you know that the Word of God converts. It's the Living Word and no word goes out of the mouth of God without effect. All of God's words accomplish what he intends for them to. His words in you are life, healing and health. 
When he begins to lift that curtain on your memory, go with God. Our Heavenly Father himself will hold you with the right hand of his righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10) He does care. He will guide you on how to be delivered. Whether it is in private between you and God, whether he leads you to a good Christian counselor, whether he prompts you to join a support group or whether it is a combination of these and other things, he will lead and guide you into all truth. (John 16:13)
You might say, Well, I could never talk about my bad memories with anyone. Well, God knows that and he understands. You may not have to. Don't be afraid. He's ready and willing to help you on your own level, from where you're at in this challenge. He won't force you to do anything. He never does. He's kind and considerate and will always work with you. He wants you to be free.
Knowing God is supposed to make a difference in our lives. If we allow him to, he will deliver us from the evil of past traumatic memories, no matter what they are or how they came about. God does not want you to keep carrying that burden or burdens. Don't turn away anymore when he shows you a past memory. Trust him, draw nigh to him, obey him and get freed.


Stop bad memories from popping up, Stop bad memories, Eliminate bad memories

Saturday, November 30, 2019

His Love Letters To You

God's Word puts faith in me. If you're not reading God's Word, the Holy Bible, everyday you're cheating yourself. My question is Have you come to truly love God? You see, God's Word is really a love letter. It is a letter from The Greatest Lover to you, the person whom He loves dearly.

Everything in the Bible is not a good story, even though the entire Bible is ordained by God to bless you. Every word in the Bible can benefit us when accepted through the Holy Spirit's guidance.

In the same way that you would read and reread the letters from your fiance/fiancee, companion or spouse, you should be reading God's Word. It should be sweet to you and you should never tire of learning from it. Even though you may not feel like reading as much or at all on some days, you should be anxious to get back to it.

So again, Have you come to truly love God enough to desire to read his Word everyday? You should be feeding yourself the one thing that will grow your faith, strengthen you against the enemy and help you to store up your riches in Heaven.

The Word of God is quick and powerful... Hebrews 4:12

Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, And you have overcome the wicked one...I John 2:14

Dear Lord:
I pray for this reader to receive a hunger and thirst
for the nourishment that can come only
through your Word.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Scourging, Crucifixion And Christ

Today, I am reading in the first part of John 19, where Pilate took Jesus and scourged him. I know something about scourging from previous light research. I wanted to read more about it today, both as a refresher and to learn new things. At the CBCG website (Christian Biblical Church of God), it is revealed that the Romans did not institute crucifixion, but they certainly perfected it. This vile form of maltreatment was generally reserved for slaves, foreigners, revolutionaries, the vilest of criminals and desertion by soldiers.

If you are interested in learning more about the history of scourging and the implications of crucifixion, CBCG provides a detailed account of these terrible punishments. It's not for the faint-hearted. If you are not aware, crucifixion was not unique to Jesus' torture and death. Crucifixion was a standard Roman punishment. I remember reading years ago that it was common to travel down a Roman road in ancient times and see hundreds of crosses with crucified victims on them. The abomination, outrage and enormity of Jesus' crucifixion is that he was pure and without any sin or imperfection whatsoever, and that he gave his life for me and you.

He was God's precious only son, and he was treated like trash and dirt, the lowest of the lowest on this earth. In addition, he experienced a moment in time unlike no other and totally devastating for that short period. He was separated from his Father completely, because of the sins, past, present and future, that he took and cleansed us from.

So, it was not that he was crucified that is so horrible, but that he was perfect and was sacrificed as a meek, submissive lamb. During that horrendous judgement, affliction and death, he endured even more antagonism, animosity and abuse than criminals, because of who he had claimed to always be. He really was slaughtered for each and every one of us. Why? Because it was needed. Because it was necessary that we have a total and complete sacrifice that no sin, imperfection or darkness could ever penetrate again. The reason is simple, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 And that precious son, who is God in the flesh, was obedient because he believed what the Father said.

Source: Christian Biblical Church of God website

Monday, July 9, 2018

Resting In Obedience

Jesus decides to wash his disciples' feet to illustrate a principle.
As Christians, when we finally get it we then try to do too much. In John 13:5-10, Jesus begins to wash the feet of his disciples. When he comes to Peter, the disciple in his ignorance rejects Jesus' humble service. When Jesus explains to him that in allowing his teacher to serve him he is acknowledging that they are one. He is showing that we can rest in obedience. Peter, however, goes overboard.
Jesus humbly begins to wash the feet of his disciples.
Peter enthusiastically says that if that's the case, he then wanted Jesus to wash his hands and his head! While it is commendable that Peter was so committed to his relationship with The Savior, all of that was not necessary. In the Christian walk, God shows us often that much of our activity is not necessary, and that we can rest in obedience. He explained to Peter that to be clean for the purposes and point that his Lord and Master was making meant that only his feet needed to be washed. 
Peter's ignorance causes him to reject Jesus' ministering.
There are deeper messages in this passage. For now, I will say that we as Christians try to do too much. The too much is what we perceive as pleasing God, or being a part of God's kingdom. We work hard to think of ways to please God. This is a form of orchestrated sacrifice. The best thing to do is to expend our energies towards learning how to better hear the still small voice of God's Spirit. When we hear what he is saying to us, we can then rest in obedience.
Peter goes overboard in his acceptance of Jesus's ministering.
When we are more experienced in discerning his guidance we can better obey his voice. The Word tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice. When Peter accepted the ministering to him in the way that Christ was determined that it should be done, that was the better way. He suppressed his desire to sacrifice through unnecessary activity. He obeyed his Master. We too can rest in obedience.

Then Samuel said,
"Is the LORD as delighted with burnt offerings and sacrifices as he would be with your obedience?
To follow instructions is better than to sacrifice.
To obey is better than sacrificing the fat of rams."
I Samuel 15:22 (GW)

Click this link to visit

Draw Nigh To Hope

for more insight into Christian growth

and resources for living a life devoted to God.

Images: FreeBibleImages.Org 

Friday, July 6, 2018

The World Has Gone After Jesus

The Pharisees were so disappointed that they could not stop Jesus' ascension to fame.
In John 12:19, the Pharisees were so disappointed that they could not stop Jesus' ascension to fame. They mumbled and complained among themselves about it, accusing each other of having no effect against the rising tide of his popularity. They said, "Behold, the world is gone after him." They must have cursed and stomped their feet at the significance of what was happening. They were losing control, and the very person whose effect they had tried to suppress was becoming more popular everyday.

Today, we worship God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Never has any one in history been able to stop the tide of love for Jesus and what he did on the cross for us. Because of his obedience to his Father, we are free today. We will be resurrected to life and don't have to fear the 2nd death. Our eternal destination is secure. Today, we worship God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We honor and respect him for his sacrifice on our behalf. Without him we would have no hope. Yes, the world truly has gone after Jesus, and we are still going after him today, just as God desired.

Click this link to visit Draw Nigh To Hope blog for more
articles, resources and encouragement.

Monday, January 29, 2018

A Permanent Trip To The Holy Land

While reading about Jesus going to the Mount of Olives, in John 8, and vindicating the woman judged for adultery, I researched the place. Finding a lovely sun-touched image of the hill to the east of Jerusalem, I was suddenly overcome by a desire to go there. That happens often when I view images of The Holy Land, either current or from the far past. I'd love to walk where Jesus walked.

Though the areas where ruins have been unearthed have been modernized, the landscapes I am sure still hold some of the atmosphere and environment of ancient Bible times. Here in America, we don't have the flora or the air quality that exists in the Middle East today. For one thing, there aren't any olive trees near me, and I don't know where any ancient ones exist here in the U.S.

When I am struck with a longing to visit Jesus' land as it exists today, I immediately remember that if I should never make it there in this life, I will see that wondrous place. In The New Heaven and The New Earth I will live there. I will see the beautiful Holy Land whenever I want to. God will have reestablished his beloved Jerusalem, The Holy City, and all will be without blemish, decay, death and evil. I will come and go as I please, sit among the new and refreshed olive trees and Holy Land landscapes. Most of all, I will talk and walk with Jesus. I will ask him questions about his life there, when he came to redeem and save us. We will enjoy together The New Heaven and The New Earth, created for Jesus and those who love him.

If God allows me to tarry more in this world, I would like to visit there today in this flesh. I have to say, though, that when I live in The New Heaven and The New Earth, my visit there will be much, much better. My trip there is guaranteed, because I am locked into my seat in the Kingdom of God. My flight is set, and my ticket is The Holy Spirit. When I leave here, whether I take off before of during The Rapture, I will arrive at my permanent destination. Unlike in the world today, I will never have to go home from my vacation. I will be at home for good, on an eternal vacation in a beautiful new Holy Land that is like the old, but untainted and perfect, as it was meant to be in the beginning. I will be with the person who loved and saved me, so that I can live forever with him in His Holy Land.


How To Be Saved
Romans 10:9

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 

Your seat has already been purchased by The Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Your ticket is being held by The Holy Spirit. If you would like to receive your seat in The Kingdom of God, which is to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior. Come into my heart, and save me. I was born in sin and you died for me so that I can know God and not be blamed anymore. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way to understand and turn away from bad things. I don't have to fear death anymore, and thank you for Eternal Life. Amen 

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
Scripture Source: John 8:1-11

Friday, December 23, 2016

Sister Betty Jo On Receiving & Giving Blessings

"So the blessings that you receive, let me tell you they are all from God, and with no strings attached."

 Receive Your Blessings, And Give Them As Well

Praise the Lord everyone!! You are a blessing whether you know it are not. There are many who do not know that they are blessings to people. They didn’t even think they could be. This title came to me in a positive way, Receive Your Blessings, And Give Them As Well. I don’t know about you, but I’m thankful and grateful for (all) my blessings; and knowing that the blessings that I have received during my journey, have been a teaching given from Jesus Christ Himself.

When I sit and think about John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life, I realize that I have read that scripture just as I have read many others, over and over again. This time, I went so deep into it that I said to myself, This God has done something that no other would have done for me.

He gave me a blessing, and I didn’t even know that was what it was. I asked myself why would He do such? Did He not know that I didn’t love Him, or how I was living, and how I cared only to please others? The answers to these questions that I was asking were a mystery. He came back with the answer in John 3:17, For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

He wanted me to know that I was blessed by a gift called Salvation. And He wanted me to take this Word of blessing, and give it to others. Whether they accepted the blessing or rejected it was not to concern me. You still keep sharing it, is what He said.

So the blessings that you receive, let me tell you they are all from God, and with no strings attached.

He does what he does because He Loves us (all). You may hate Him…He still Loves you…You may use His name in vain…He still Loves you…You may be ashamed to speak of Him to your friends…He still Loves you. You may try to stop Him, but you can’t…He still Loves You.

His blessings are still spreading, and spreading. And those who are receiving them, are spreading and spreading them to people who do not know that they are to become blessings also. That man, that woman, that boy and girl do not yet know that they are to become blessings in return. Praise the LORD!!

So, receive your blessings, and give them as well. Those of you who have testimonies of what Jesus Christ has done in your life, tell It! Keep it real! Don’t allow the devil to stop you…his a liar, deceitful, and a hater. There is no love in him.

Jesus Christ Is Agape, A Blessing!

Sister Betty Jo is a strong woman of God who loves sharing her relationship with The Father, and what Christ has done for her. She lives in TX, and enjoys spending time with her daughter and granddaughters. She is a crafter and folk art painter, and likes cooking, especially trying new recipes.

This is what she has to say about her relationship with the Lord,

" My Life Has Not Been The Same since I Was Diagnosed With Lupus Some Years Ago. My Life Has Changed Quite A Bit, But Lupus Does Not Define Who I Am. I'm Blessed To Have Jesus Christ as my Savior. Also Loved One's & Friends Are My Blessings.

I Am A Bible Believing Christian. I don't like religion. I'm in love with Jesus Christ, whom I have a relationship with. I will Follow Jesus Christ, and not man. He will direct my feet into the right path. It isn't about how good I think I am, or what I think I can do for Him. I cannot work my way to Heaven, nor pay Him to take me. I'm blessed through SURRENDERING my all to Him. He has forgiven me of my nasty Sins.  

I am in a Intimate Relationship with a man who gave His life for me. He loved me that much that He laid His life on a cross that was put together by man. My life has not been the same after I gave Him my heart, and my life. That is True and Honest Love.

No matter what I looked like, or the life-style that I was living that wasn't pleasing to Him, He still accepted me with open arms. He said to me at that moment..."your sins have been forgiven." That was a Promise that He has kept ever since. Halleujah!! My first and Only Love!! His name by the way is Jesus Christ. Amen!! Don't Give Up! Push On! Amen!! "

Draw Nigh To  Hope

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Just How Large Is The Sea Of Galilee Anyway?

Was reading about Jesus' 5th sign, walking on the waves on the Sea of Galilee, John 6:15-21. When the sea is mentioned in the Bible, I often forget that most of the time it is referring to a massive lake, rather than a body of water like the Pacific or Atlantic ocean, or the Mediterranean Sea. In verse 16, it says that "And when even was now come, his disciples went down unto the sea" (KJV).

I remembered that this is referring to a relatively small land-locked body of water. I wondered, Just how large is the Sea of Galilee anyway? I realized that because they knew very little, if anything, about the topography of the Earth, this massive water feature would naturally be a sea to them. So what is the area and some interesting facts about this water area with the 3 names?

I thought that there were only 3 names that it is known by:
  • Sea of Galilee
  • Sea of Tiberius
  • Sea of Gennesaret
According to, it is also known as:
  • Sea of Chinnereth
  • Ginnosar
  • Bahr Tubariya.
This site states that this sea is "more properly designated a lake," and that it is "13 miles long and 7 miles wide." I am not good at judging distance, but that doesn't sound very large to me. I think Lake Gennesaret is smaller than I thought.

Wikipedia, my fav place to do research (though it is not academically accepted), states that Lake Chinnereth "is approximately:
  • 53 km (33 mi) in circumference,
  • about 21 km (13 mi) long,
  • and 13 km (8.1 mi) wide
  • area is 166.7 km2 (64.4 sq mi) at its fullest,
  • and its maximum depth is approximately 43 m (141 feet)."
It doesn't seem very deep either. I wonder how there could have been waves so scary, on a body of water this size, so as to terrify the disciples, some of who were experienced fishermen? Do you think Jesus whipped up those waves to build their faith? At one point on shore at least, the opposite shore can be seen, showing how small the lake is. And when they got into the boat, they traveled from Tiberius to Capernaum, which would be north, along the coast. I don't know how far out they had to go to reach a navigable depth before they turned north, but it seems that they could not have ever been out of sight of land.

An interesting mystery! But, where Jesus is there are mysteries galore, and revelations, lol. Wikipedia states that The Sea of Galilee was also called the Sea of Minya.

King James Bible

Image: Wikipedia

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

WHY Am I Blamed For What Adam And Eve Did?

When I was a teen, I didn't want to have anything to do with the things of God. It began to infuriate me when I heard the story of Adam and Eve. Why am I being judged for something that two people did eons ago, I thought angrily! What they did was just not my fault! I felt an unfair, unjust burden hanging over my head.

Because I was repeatedly warned about sin from the standpoint of The Ten Commandments, and how Hell would be my eternal home if I made any slip-ups, I felt hounded and blamed for something that I did not do. 

I would ponder with disgust, Is that ALL that this Jesus and God stuff gave me? Is that all that the Bible gave me to look forward to was eternal punishment for someone else's wrong turn? 

My adult life took damaging twists and destructive turns and having no one else to help me, I turned to that God that I'd learned about. Why I turned to someone whom I did not trust, and through whom I felt condemned is a story for another time.

I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I wanted to be saved, to live as a Christian. As I grew in the Lord, I began to understand more about what Jesus did for us at Calvary. 

It is true that the failure of Adam and Eve is not our fault. It has just not been explained in that way. That is the reason that God provided a way out of the unfair condemnation. No matter how much we hate it and don't want it to be that way, it is a sentence passed on to us through the continuance of human life. 

What that errant couple, who possessed free wills, did when they made the poor choice, horrendously affects our lives today and eternally. God loves us so much that he determined that this will not stand. Though the human life that he created will live on, the evil that influenced the downfall will not.
In his love for us, he provided a plan of redemption, a way to restore the connection to him that Adam and Eve's choices severed. Because it is not your fault nor my fault, he provided a way out of the sentence that no one likes to hear about. He sent a Savior, someone to right the wrong done by evil spiritual beings. 

That Savior is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Through the bloodline of Adam, we all inherited death or separation from God. Alternatively, Sacred Blood had to be given to restore our inheritance of life or connection to God.

The only thing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what God offers through his Son, takes away from us is that unfair condemnation that we inherited by being born into this world. We all are descended from that tainted bloodline of the original, fallen couple. 

Alternatively, we each have the equal opportunity to have our bloodlines restored to purity by receiving God's provision for redemption. It's as simple as that. We each can go from an inherited darkness and eternal death to a restored light and eternal life. 

God is a good Father and a wonderful God! What loving father would let his children live in eternal darkness for something that is not their fault? If he could in any way prevent it he would. God is the ultimate loving Father. He recognizes our unfair condition. Afterall, he is the owner of creation. 

He is the Most High God, the Only Wise God and the One True God. He asks for one thing from any who wants the unfair judgment lifted: 
  • confess that we are born into sin,
  • that we can't help ourselves, 
  • accept that we need to be saved, 
  • and accept that his Son is the only Savior.

The condition that we find ourselves in when we learn about God is certainly unfair. That God, in his love, has provided a way out. Adam and Eve had a choice through their free wills. They made their choices. You, who have a free will, have a choice. You don't have to stay with theirs. You don't have to stay with the darkness that you were born with. 

Do what they didn't do. Choose life. One day God is going to restore it back to the way it was meant to be on the original Earth. It's there in the Bible! Read it! Read about the upcoming New Heaven and the New Earth. There will be no more evil influence either. Don't you want to be there? Don't you want to walk in the light with God and reign with Jesus, His Son?

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him may not die
but have eternal life.
John 3:16 GNT

 But God put his love on the line for us
by offering his Son in sacrificial death
while we were of no use whatever to him.
Romans 5:8 TMB

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died for me so that I don't have to live in darkness anymore. Save me so that I can live in the light of Our Heavenly Father. Help me to understand and grow as a Christian. I know that I don't have to fear death anymore. I have moved from darkness into the light. Thank you, Jesus, for Eternal Life. 

Now tell someone about what you have done.

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)


Sunday, July 31, 2016

FOR THE CHRIST-CURIOUS: God Loves And Keeps His Word

At God's timing, we will know the reason for it all.

God loves us, no matter what is happening all around us, and to us.

There is a reason for all of it, and one day, when it is time for God to abolish evil, we will know the reasons. I thank Him that when that time comes, it won't matter to me and many others all the reasons why. We will be ecstatic that the New Heaven and the New Earth have come, and we can live in the presence of God forever and ever.

In the Bible, the story of Noah and The Ark says that he was faithful for decades in warning people that God's plan would be carried out. God had made a promise that he would wipe the face of the earth clean, but he gave all people a chance to escape the terrifying event.

The people who did not believe God continued with their unGodly lives,...

laughing at Noah, secure in their belief that it was all a myth. They were strengthened in their unbelief, because so much time passed with nothing happening. Noah continued to hold fast to his belief, and just as God had promised, in the end he and those who chose to believe with him were saved. Unfortunately, only his children and their spouses believed.

Today, many, many people, possibly the majority of peoples, believe that the story of Noah, and the Bible itself are myths. They believe that all that Christians like me say are myths, delusions and fantastical fiction.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 NKJV

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you. 
Image: Free Images
Scripture: BibleStudyTools