Showing posts with label Matthew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matthew. Show all posts

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Daily Living God's Way Everyday

I pray every morning that as I go about my affairs, I will see myself and my life as God sees them. The way that God sees me is with understanding, love, compassion and hope. For God knows the thoughts that he thinks towards me, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give me a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

I also pray for the strength to allow the love that God has shed abroad in my heart to flow out to my enemies, to pray always for those who use me and plan spitefully against me. (Matthew 5:44)

I pray daily to be committed to never repaying evil for evil in any way, form or fashion; not through thoughts, words or deeds. I pray to always be of a mind to overcome evil with good, to trust my Dear Father and to walk in his light. (I John 1:7)

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Receive Healing Now

Let us join together in believing for your healing. God's divine healing hand reaches out to you now. Have faith. Believe. Trust. Receive healing now. In Jesus' name!

Allow healing to show in your body, your mind, your life. Let it flourish. Let it manifest. Be healed now. In Jesus' name!


Monday, August 21, 2023

Christian Products: I'm Believing With You For Your Healing


I'm Believing With You For Your Healing
Matthew 18:19 

A Christian get well soon sympathy design to let someone know that you're standing with them in prayer for their healing, through the power of God.

I designed the flower blooms in my vector design program, Affinity Designer. I like how I made the vase color to match the centers of the flowers. I like the fullness of the flowers in the vase too. I was going to add just a few flowers, maybe about 5. I kept adding them until the vase was exploding with them!

The dotted background is a free image from Pixabay. I tweak the colorway for use in my designs. 

Matthew 18:19 says, Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven

Let us join together in believing for your healing. God's divine healing hand reaches out to you now. Have faith. Believe. Trust. Receive healing now. In Jesus' name!

Purchase POD products of this design at

Draw Nigh To Hope Shop at Redbubble.

Available on 25 products.


Fill your life with reminders of Christian living. 

Spend your money on merchandise that glorifies God Our Father and Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. 

Surround yourself with products that invite in The Holy Spirit, Our Comforter and Guide everyday.

  As a self-taught designer, crafter, writer and artist, like Lydia in Acts 16, I design and make beautiful things.
My creative ability comes from God and I worship the Lord day in and day out. 

In order for God to bless us through our talents, skills and creativity, we have to put our work out there. That's why I share here at Draw Nigh To Hope.
 I want Christians, who may not otherwise know about them, to have a chance to buy my products that lift up Christ-centered living.
Proverbs 22:29 states:
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings;
he shall not stand before mean men.
 Do you see a man who excels in his work? 
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before unknown men.

If you or anyone you know sells handmade products or designs merchandise that glorifies God, let me know so that I can take a look. I may do a feature here.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Flesh Tried To Crash My Fast!

I decided to fast from coffee, cakes and cookies that day for spiritual advancement. You know that fasting is a way to connect more deeply with God and we can fast from anything.

I had mackerel that day for dinner. When I finished eating I apologetically thought, Oh wow! I need to eat some cookies to counteract that fish breath! 

When the thought came, I was mentally full steam ahead to the cookies. I felt it was needed and that excused me from slightly breaking my fast. Sometimes, all it takes is a positive reminder, a reminder that the flesh will never give.

The Holy Spirit said, Not so fast. Floss and brush you teeth, sister, and get to your spiritual advancement!

The flesh always wants a way out of rightness and discipline and is there to trip us up and cheat us. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41) God's Holy Spirit is a powerhouse and guides us to success! 

The Holy Spirit is a person, the third person of the Triune/Trinity of God. He has a personality and God sends him to comfort and guide us. The Spirit of God takes up residence in our bodies, His temple, when we accept Jesus as Our Savior. Being filled with The Spirit, however, is a more advanced position that many Christians do not experience but whom anyone can if he/she desires. God does not withhold his goodness from us.


Sunday, July 23, 2023

With God All Things Are Possible

Do you believe or do you need Our Father to increase your faith? 

The Holy Word tells us over and over again...ALL things, not some things, not a few things, but ALL things are possible to him who believes. 

If we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, he hears us. IF we believe that he hears us, then we know that we have what we have asked for, BECAUSE we asked according to HIS will. (I John 5:14-15)

All of the scriptures that encourage us to believe in the impossible, including Matthew 21:21-22, Matthew 17:20, John 15:7 and Mark 9:23, are explicit in stating that ALL things, ANYTHING is possible.

I don't believe that the Bible states things just because they sound good or that it doesn't mean what it is plainly saying. Our problem is that in our fleshly minds we demote The Word.   

Choose to believe today! Ask Our Father to increase your faith today so that you can start promoting The Word to where God intended it to function in your life.

This plaque, Nothing Is Impossible With God, was made by a young lady who presented it to me, many years ago, when I was moving away to a new start in life. She was apologetic because when she made it some of the glaze that she added ran down the front. I assured her that it was beautiful. I cherish it. No matter where I am, I display it so that I can see it.


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Giving Is A Choice In Freedom

The practice of tithing was under the Law of Moses. Christians today don't have to fearfully practice it because we don't have to do anything to be accepted by God after we accept his Son Jesus as our Savior. The tithing principle, however, is a good guideline for those who need structure in giving. 

While tithing required 10%, the scriptures teach that it is good to give more than that when we feel free to do so. However freely we give it will be freely given back to us (Matthew 7:2). This is a statement on how much we can expect back, not on how much we need to give. 

Today, it's not about tithing. It's about giving abundantly to others out of our own feeling of abundance. It's giving in freedom. The type and amount of that free-spirited giving varies from Christian to Christian. Our Father wants us to give from the heart, in the amounts and the frequency that we feel comfortable to do. Give how, when, in what way, in what amount and to where you are inspired to give.

If anyone attempts to make us feel ashamed because of our monetary giving or the lack of, their spirit is not of God. If you are not giving today but would like to, don't despair. God sees your heart and he will surely help you to get to your goal. He works with us, not against us. He does not push us, he understands us. Giving is a choice in freedom. Be comfortable and at rest in your freedom in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Word Refutes Negativity

The Word of God refutes negativity, stubbornness and fear in us. It's blunt statements correct our thinking. No matter what we are experiencing, the Scriptures direct us on how to think about it. 

We judge God by what we understand through our flesh and challenged minds. The Holy Bible says it will give us understanding because we are simple-minded (Psalm 119:130). We are not simple-minded in a child-like way but in a rebellious, anxiety-ridden and faithless way. 

The Word of God is all-encompassing. Until we leave this world, whenever and however that occurs, it will continue to tell us that all things are possible to whomever can and will believe (Mark 9:23). 

Despite our challenges, barriers, hindrances and handicaps, the Holy Scriptures insist that we can see miracles with faith the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20). That's why when we faithfully put that Word inside of us everyday, we notice over time that we are changing. We are thinking more positively. We feel more hopeful. We believe more. (Romans 12:2) It's the power of The Living Word. 

You don't think that God heals and will heal you? You don't feel that God prospers and will prosper you? You don't believe that God hears you and is making a difference in your life? The Word refutes that. It says the same thing, over and over and over again. 

It says that this is the type of trust that we can put in him, that if we ask anything according to HIS will he hears us. And if we believe that he has heard us, then we know that we have what we have asked him for, (I John 5:14-15) because we asked according to HIS will. Cut and dried. Plain and simple. No ifs, ands or buts.

It does not matter what did not happen for Christians that you know. It does not matter what hasn't happened for you. The Word of God refutes negativity, stubbornness and fear in us. Its message is consistent and unrelenting. The promises in the Word elevate us. The Scriptures lift us to a higher level of thinking and living, closer to and more like Our Father and what he wants for us. 


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Happy Wednesday: God's Daily Provision

God will always provide our needs daily. We are to practice good management of our lives but this does not include obsessing and stressing about the future. 

Our main management efforts are to focus on today and also not to be overly absorbed with physical and material needs and wants for today. 

God wants us to be centered on spiritual growth each day. Through that commitment will we then see God's provision in every way, each day.

Matthew 6:33-34


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Secret Faithfulness To God = Outward Reward

Public or outward acknowledgement is the reward that Christians who are secretly faithful receive from God.

One way or another, our private devotion to God will show outwardly. We don't have to try, we don't have to uplift ourselves to others, we don't have to beg people to believe that we know God through Jesus Christ.

When we are faithful in seeking God's face and drawing nigh to him, his power will emanate from us. When we pray, fast and give from our secret closet, God will reward us outwardly. 

We will receive some type of open acknowledgement, from God, for our secret faithfulness.

Matthew 6:6

Matthew 6:17-18

Matthew 6:3-4

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Christian Products: Faith & Trust Printable Quote Art


Faith is one of the cornerstones of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6 NKJV)

Faith Christian Scripture Artwork by Christian Words Shop

I chose four of my favorite scriptures on believing to design this printable artwork. Mark 9:23, Matthew 21:21-22 and Matthew 17:20. When I quote the scriptures, I am always amazed in my spirit at the possibilities that they open up to me. 

These are scriptures that do not put a limit on what we can do. These scriptures tell us that there is a level of faith that we can acquire where we can do what we never thought we could do. Jesus even told his Disciples, and through them tells us, that we can even do more than he did. How amazing is that! Do you believe? Do you want to believe? FAITH is here for you today, right now! Choose it and keep choosing it, everyday.

Faith Printable Artwork


Trust is similar to faith. It's a choice that has to be made, often in the lack of any proof that we could understand.

Trust Christian Scripture Printable by Christian Words Shop

I have paraphrased this rich scripture, Psalm 52:8, in everyday language that is easier for us to grasp and apply to our daily lives.

There are eight powerful confirmations in this printable, scripture artwork, including:

I am purified by the blood of Jesus.

I am always flourishing, growing and strong.

My confidence in God never withers or dies.

Trust Printable Artwork




Both of these Christian printables offer:

1 .pdf file, 5400 x 7200 px (18 x 24"), scale to poster sizes without losing quality,
1 .jpg file, 2250 x 3300 px, print these sizes: 8.5 x 11, 5 x 7, 4 x 6".

As with all of my Christian Words Shop printables, they can be printed as often as needed and even used in craft and art projects.

Please don't copy for sale or any type of distribution. These files are for the use of the purchaser ONLY. Please send anyone interested to Christian Words Shop.


Thanks for visiting

Christian Words Shop at Printaphoria!

Fill your life with reminders of Jesus Christ. 

Spend your money on merchandise that glorifies God. 

Surround yourself with products that 

invite in The Holy Spirit everyday.

  As a self-taught designer, crafter, writer and artist,
like Lydia in Acts 16, I design and make beautiful things.
My creative ability comes from God
and I worship the Lord
day in and day out. 

In order for God to bless us through our talents, skills and creativity,
we have to put our work out there.
 I want Christians, who may not otherwise know about them,
to have a chance to buy my products that lift up
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
and God, Our Father.
Proverbs 22:29 states:
Seest thou a man diligent in his business?
He shall stand before kings;
he shall not stand
before mean men.
Do you see a man who excels in his work?
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before
unknown men.

If you or anyone you know sells handmade products or designs merchandise that glorifies God, let me know so that I can take a look. I may do a feature here.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

How To Easily Memorize Scriptures


It's important to memorize scriptures in order to hide God's word in our hearts. Being able to accurately recall his word gives us power to think like God and to resist the devil. With all of the unrest in the world, we can't be sure that the time will not come when we will be persecuted for reading and carrying Bibles. One day, if Jesus does not come back before, it could become a crime to possess a Bible. It's also a good feeling to be able to quote scriptures. The Word of God is alive and springs into action when we have it within us. 

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it will be done unto you. John 15:7 Abide means to live, stay or remain.

Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You! Psalm 119:11 In order for something to be hidden it has to be claimed, possessed and kept.

The Word that we read and hear has to be claimed, possessed and kept so that it will remain, stay and live within us.

The Word tells us about ourselves and what to feel and how to think. When we read or hear the Word, then walk away and forget that Word that we've heard, it's hard to walk in the light, be transformed and receive God's best. James 1:23-25 

Jesus did not hesitate in quoting God's word to Satan. He didn't fumble around, try to quote it or misquote it. He spoke it with confidence and power.

 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." 

"It is written again, 'You shall not tempt the Lord your God."  

"Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve."  Matthew 4:4-10

The main way that I memorize scripture is to put notes or print-outs on my bathroom mirror or wall near the sink. I started with pieces of paper, then index cards, then I started designing printable graphics. This keeps the scripture that I want to memorize in front of me each morning or whenever I do my daily toiletries. Whenever we get up, we have to prepare for the day, so posting them in the bathroom is a good way to begin memorizing them.

When I want to learn a scripture passage (several scriptures in a book), I look at my note or graphic and start by reading the scripture reference. It's also important to know where the scripture is found. Then I look away and repeat it. I then read the first scripture or part of it if it's long, look away and repeat it.

I move to the second scripture, read it and then repeat it. I'm not trying to memorize the scriptures, I'm impressing them on my mind. Eventually, I can quote them without looking. It's really amazing. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes. I know that one day I will have committed the scriptures to memory. 

I always select scriptures that have special meaning to me or that help me with struggles and difficulties. If you do this, you will have a better incentive to do your reading and repeating exercise each morning.

Remember that God is always willing to help us. If you feel the importance of memorizing scriptures, it doesn't matter if you've always had a problem doing that. Just ask Our Father and he will help you through His Holy Spirit. Write out on a piece of paper or an index card, a scripture that means a lot to you, or print it from the internet. Start committing God's Holy scriptures to memory, or start again, and realize new power each day.


Sunday, June 13, 2021

We Can Do It!

God helps us to extend beyond our limitations.

I think all of us are in denial of our physical and other conditions and limitations sometimes, especially as we age. God can help us consolidate the practical truth with the can-do living that we love to cultivate. God also gives us a chance everyday to extend beyond our limitations. There is an important point that we must remember as we reach up to achieve and realize our hopes and dreams.

We must be careful with whom we share our aspirations and not cast our pearls before swine. We must be careful to not allow others to trample upon our precious plans and pursuits. We want to be encouraged by those who support us and believe that we can do what we determine to do, in Christ Jesus.

God expects us to extend ourselves in order to manifest his blessings.
God's Word tells us that The things which are impossible with men are possible with God (Luke 18:27) and All things are possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23). 

These and other similar scriptures refer to ALL THINGS, not a few things, not some things, not certain things in specific circumstances, not things for some people, but ALL THINGS. If we can believe, then a way will be shown unto us by God's Holy Spirit. We have our parts, however, that we must play and procedures that we must do to realize what God has already secured for us. God expects us to extend ourselves in one way or another to embrace and manifest his blessings.

I am learning to remind myself of the truth every day, that despite aging and regrets over so much time that has passed, I can do more than I've ever done. I confirm it. I declare it. I pray it everyday.

I thank my Heavenly Father for broadening my scope and widening my horizon, for giving me a seeing eye and a hearing ear, for helping me to stay on the straight and narrow path that leads to life, for helping me to not look to the right hand nor the left and for helping me to keep my eye single so that my whole body will be full of light.

Be encouraged through the truth of

Matthew 21:21 and 17:20.

I pray for you that your way will grow brighter every day!


Monday, March 1, 2021

You Are Here: Tired Of Praying & Weary VI

Answer for sluggish weariness and hopelessness.
I know you feel so sluggish emotionally, so down, so weary, so hopeless. Make yourself get on your knees. Do you go down on your knees to talk to God? If you are in the habit of praying like that first thing every morning, then you know that feeling of reverence that it instills towards Our Heavenly Father.

If you don't do that, then please start. Pick a throw pillow for your prayer pillow so your knees won't hurt. I dedicated one for this and keep it slid under my bed, handy for me to reach under and slide out in an instant.

Thank God now for all that he has done for you when you were not aware of it. Thank him for what he is doing now of which you are not aware. You're speaking to God in faith that he is right now working on your behalf. You're choosing to believe it though you don't feel it and don't have any hope of ever feeling it. You are choosing to believe that God is moving and shifting things on your behalf. You are choosing once again to believe that he is closing some doors and opening others.

Our prayers at this time do not have to be long.

At times like this we must force ourselves to repeat things that we believe about God and his kingdom, no matter how we feel. Our prayers at these times do not have to be long. We may feel bad when we pray these short prayers, almost like our prayers are fake. We may feel like we are not giving God a fair amount of prayer time to ask or believe him for anything.

After all, we've been led to believe that in order for prayers to be authentic they must be long, drawn out and we must be exhausted when we finish. We are reminded of the scriptures where Jesus asked his disciples why they could not tarry with him for one hour. (Matthew 26:40-45) There is a time for long prayers but this is not one of those times.

You are holding on for dear life. Your faith is in jeopardy. A sentence or two or prayer here and there will carry you through to understanding answered prayer. Pressing your body and spirit to do this little bit is a sign that your prayer is not fake but sincere. Take the baby steps that show that you are a devoted person who refuses to give up on God.

Thank God now for all that he has done for you when you were not aware of it.
Don't allow the devil to convince you that it has to be a long prayer or no prayer at all. His intention is to stop you for good. We battle the world, the flesh and the devil. Thank God now for all that he has done for you when you were not aware of it. Thank him for what he is doing now of which you are not aware.

Resist the devil and he has to flee for a season! God's word declares it! (James 4:7) If those two sentences that I've said for you to pray are all that you can say for days, weeks, do it! Fight for your prayer life! Build up your most holy faith and God will faithfully increase it!

When you get stronger, don't forget to ask God for something one time only. If you forget and do it again, that is ok. Our Father understands. Get back on track. From then on, thank him for it whenever you feel the desire to pray about it again. Also remember to always ask for his will to be done too, like one of my readers who said,

I DID need to stop begging for certain things. I actually started praying more for God's will to be done and not for my own desires. I know that's best and once I came to terms with that, I had (have) a whole new outlook on life.


Gather Strength Through My 

Tired Of Praying & Weary



You Are Here: Tired Of Praying & Weary




Sunday, April 14, 2019

Honoring Jesus' Obedience On Palm Sunday

Happy Palm Sunday!
Happy Palm Sunday!
We remember Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
We remember that today represents the day that Jesus Christ of Nazareth made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
Jesus on the donkey is a beloved Christian icon.

He sat upon a donkey as he made his journey in. I've wondered what led to him getting on that donkey. Did he allow the throngs of people to put him on the donkey because that is how they wanted to honor him?

Was he simply weary from a long, hot, dusty  journey and in danger of collapsing? I will study that one day. Whatever the reason, Jesus on the donkey is one of the many revered icons of Christianity.
Hosanna, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!

The icons don't have power in themselves and we don't idolize them. Like the Cross, they are beloved touch-points for our great love for our Savior and all that he stands for.
We honor Jesus' obedience.
Today we remember with joy that Jesus was obedient to the Father. He was strengthened and determined as he journeyed towards that inevitable suffering that we remember with sorrow.

Jesus Christ gave his life for our salvation.

 We thank you, dear Lord, for your obedience. Help us to be obedient always to the Father.

Image Credits Starting At The Top:

3) St Paul's United Methodist Church