Dear Father: Thank you for your Word which is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I thank you that it will take root in the broken up stony ground of my heart and bear much fruit. I know that it will transform me by the renewing of my mind. Help me to rightly divide your Word of Truth so that I can apply it to my life in a practical way. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Praying Is Being Aware
~ Praying is being aware of God's presence. It's a silent type of prayer. It's when the feeling passes over us in an instant that we are not alone. It is remembering at any moment of the day or night that God is with us and listening. ~
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Pray & Sleep On It
~ Proverbs 15:1 Are you angry, upset or disappointed in someone? Do you want or need to respond to them? Don't do it until you pray. Also, sleep on it for at least one night if possible. It will make a world of difference in your response, your relationship with God and in your Christian walk. ~
Sunday, December 18, 2022
We Forget To Ask God About The Small Things
Though we pray faithfully, we forget to ask God for many things, big and small, before we step out and try it ourselves. It's easy to go to God with the big things. Sometimes, we go to him for distressing and devastating things when we haven't been giving him the daily time that we should. Our Father, however, does not condemn us and we can always devote more time to building our relationship with him.
What about the small things that we could ask him about? He has time and time again given me favor about something that I was thinking about but never asked him for. I know it was him because after he blessed me he lovingly touched me through His Spirit and let me know. I always feel bad when he shows me this because I know that what I received was what I was thinking. I know that it only came from him and I feel bad because I didn't ask him, that I didn't acknowledge that he was there.
Instead, I did the old habit of thinking fleetingly about a want or need and quickly shoving it on the back burner to bring it about later by myself. My Father let me know, however, that he was there and heard my thoughts. I did not talk to him about those small things but he chose to respond. He let me know that he wants me to ask him about the small things, because he is there for me, always listening.
Some Christians say it's being obsessive and that we don't have to ask God about every little thing. Well, I say ask God about what they are saying. I know from him communicating with me after he blesses me with simple little things that he is telling me to rely on him more, communicate with him more, love walking with him more. Committing to asking him about small things and for help with small dilemmas will help us to walk better with him. Determining to consult him about small decisions and to ask him for small blessings will help us to draw closer to him.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Dr. Charles Stanley On Can Prayer Change God's Mind?
In the video below, Dr. Charles Stanley, of In Touch Ministries, answers prayer questions such as:
- Why pray if God's mind is already made up about what he will do?
- Why pray when God already knows what we want?
- Can we change God's mind through prayer?
- If God knows my needs, why should I pray?
- Does God's eternal plan depend on our prayers?
Sunday, February 6, 2022
How To Accept Jesus Christ As Your Savior
Say with your mouth that you believe Jesus
Christ is the Son of God and the only Savior. Choose to believe in your heart that
He is alive because God Our Father raised Him from the dead. Ask him to save you.
Now you are saved because you have accepted and proclaimed that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The Christ and the only person by which man can be saved.
There is no other, hallelujah!
Romans 10:9–10
Sunday, August 15, 2021
My Past Is Haunting Me
God is aware. His Spirit is always near and within to help us. Struggling with our pasts, something that is unchangeable, is too much of a heavy burden for us. We cannot and were not meant to bear it alone.
We must always look to God, first as a formal committing over to him each morning the health of our mental and emotional state. Next, we must learn to immediately look to God whenever troubling thoughts and memories surface.
There are many short prayers that you can use. I find that this prayer has been helping me to cast down imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God:
Father, help me to see my past as you see it. Help me to see myself as you see me. Help me to see people as you see them. Help me to look beyond the flesh and into the spirit of myself, every person and every situation, past, present and future.
Pray this prayer, or one similar that you create, and you'll find yourself walking more in the Spirit each day.
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Mornings With God
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Begin each morning with prayer and triumph throughout the day. |
I feel wonderful when I start my day with God! Before I talk with anyone, before I answer emails, before I open my door to anyone, before I engage with the world through sight, speech or reading, I engage with my Heavenly Father. First thing!
I probably have written about this before but I am actually afraid to start my day without talking to God first. It's dangerous. It's the same as going into a serious war without weapons.
It's suicide. It's murder, self-murder to go into any battle without having the center area of our bodies protected with our breastplates, without having our feet armor on, without hefting up our shields, without putting on our helmets and without our all-important swords. (Ephesians 6:14-17) These weapons of warfare don't come automatically. They don't put themselves on us. We have to put them on, to dress out, to suit up at the beginning of every day.
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Cares of the world take over when we don't start out with God. |
We cannot handle the issues of our private lives and our relationships with the world without God. When we don't set our day with him first, we find very little time to do it later. The cares of the world quickly take over as the day advances and serious thoughts about God are often crowded out.
We have to be aware of God to feel that he's helping us and to recognize his help when he sends it. Since he often sends help in unusual ways, we have to be close to God to not only recognize that help but to accept it.
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Feel close to God all day when you meet him first thing. |
When I meet God before I start my day, I feel close to him all day and into the night. It leads me to think about him often throughout the day. I am reminded to talk to him and pray little prayers at various points during my day. These are all very important for us to live an ever-increasing, strengthened Christian life.
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Whatever time you begin your day start it with God! |
Now your day may begin at a different time every 24 hrs. You may have some temporary changes in your schedule where sometimes you stay up all night or late into the night, and arise in the afternoon or evening. It doesn't matter with regards to meeting God in the morning. Your morning is whenever you get up from an extended period of sleeping. The beginning of your day is whenever you start it.
Satan never rests. His demons never rest. Evil influence never rests. Wicked plans never cease. We can't rest either when it comes to seeking God's face, drawing nigh to him and putting on his whole armor at the beginning of every, single day!
When my day was at its best,
And His presence came like sunrise,
Like a glory in my breast.
All day long He stayed with me,
And we sailed in perfect calmness
O’er a very troubled sea.
Other ships were sore distressed,
But the winds that seemed to drive them
Brought to us a peace and rest.
With a keen remorse of mind,
When I too had loosed the moorings,
With the Presence left behind.
Learned from many a troubled way:
You must seek Him in the morning
If you want Him through the day!