Showing posts with label Sorrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sorrow. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Death Of My Daughter Quotes, Daughter Passed Away Quotes Printable

A Mother Forever Is What I'll Be Printable Poem Artwork

Memorial Poems are a quiet and serene way to remember loved ones who have gone on. If you've often thought I Miss My Daughter Who Passed Away, this Poem For Daughter Who Passed Away will comfort you as you heal.

These Daughter Passed Away Quotes are available in 7 designs. Choose which Memorial Poem For Deceased you would like to have. These are printable PDFs that you can print on your home computer. You can also enlarge or reduce the PDFs and retain the image quality.

This poem for bereaved parents would make a thoughtful gift to someone who is missing a beloved daughter. Print it out, frame it or make your own handmade frame. Wrap it and present it in love.

See all of the designs at Draw Nigh To Hope Shop.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Why Did You Let Me Do It Father?

When I find that I've made what appears to be a poor decision and traveled in a direction that did not work out, I know that my Father knew it would happen and how it would end. I know that He was not surprised by my journey. He knows the beginning to the end of everything. He knows everything about me. I come from him and he has numbered all of the hairs on my head. He is concerned about every little thing that has to do with me. 

Most importantly, I look to him when I make plans. I am becoming more consistent about running every idea, goal and pursuit by him before I embark upon it. I want His supreme guidance and if it is not in His plan for me, I don't want it.  Because of my determination, when a path seems to goes awry, I lament to Our Father, Why, oh why did you allow me to go this way when it wasn't going to work OUT! 

I have learned that even when he allows us to go on a track that seems to not produce a favorable return, it's still in his plan for us and will work out for our good. We learn things and collect experiences that he will use to benefit our upcoming purposes. 

If you love God The Father, appreciate God The Son and obey God The Holy Spirit every day, don't ever think that an experience is useless. God does not produce useless things in our lives. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Rejoice! Just rejoice in the experiences that God allows into our lives, fully believing that all things work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28