Showing posts with label The Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Blood. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Jesus' Sacrifice Has Given Us Power

Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God, The Bright And Morning Star, The Resurrection And The Life, was revealed, personified and embodied to:

  1. destroy the works of the devil 
  2. and to take away our sins.

We should make sure that we are daily recognizing that his pure, shed blood has covered all of our transgressions, past, present and future. We don't need to feel guilty for mistakes, uninformed choices, inherited weaknesses and any other challenges. 

Not only are we covered for all time by Our Savior's sacrifice but God is always with us to help us to manifest a better future and the future is today. Nothing can separate us from his love. 

We should also make sure that we are submitting to God daily so that we can work with the Holy Spirit to destroy the efforts of principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. 

In other words, Jesus' sacrifice has made us able to restrict the activities of all beings who are against the Kingdom of God. We can operate daily on the fact that they have no authority in our lives. We can stand on it until the time when they are completely put away by Jesus.  

I John 3:5,8