Showing posts with label Vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vision. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Things Change Overnight

I don't know how to impress upon you the importance of being faithful, of pressing on through dissatisfaction, confusion and fear. It is imperative that you continue to do your part, though it seems like nothing is happening. Whatever your need is, whatever you have presented to God, keep working towards the answer. 

I have heard it said that at the time when we feel like we can't go on, God comes through. When we feel that we are going to break but then choose to push on one more time, God sends the answer. All of the cliches, it's darkest before the dawn and there's a silver lining behind a dark cloud, seem to be true after we are stretched to the limit and still trusting God.

One of my favorite scriptures that I quote everyday is, Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (Psalm 34:19) If your thinking is similar to mine, you feel that God does not have to deliver you out of them all. For some wants and needs that develop ever so often you want deliverance through favorable outcomes. 

In those situations, we fervently pray and hope that God will deliver the help that we need ASAP. Praying, believing and working towards a goal that seems to be moving further away is an affliction from which we definitely want to be delivered. 

We work hard everyday to trust Our Father and build ourselves up in our most holy faith. We believe The Most High God will increase our faith. We practice everything that we know to strengthen our resolve and fortify us spiritually, but nothing seems to be happening. Nothing is happening towards the thing that we are believing for.

Not only are we doing our part spiritually but there are efforts that we must make towards the goal for which we are believing God. We must look. We must work. We must pursue what we need. We have a part to do and we're faithfully doing it. Time is ticking and we start thinking of various solutions because nothing is happening. Though we know God is with us and we're on the right track, we're not getting anything concrete from God. He's not giving us enough information for us to be sure of the outcome.

My mom has been gone to Jesus now for about 2 years. She used to say, Things change overnight! That was one of her favorite sayings that comforted us when we were struggling or pressured. I find myself repeating her words often. Things change overnight! They truly do. One reason is the passage of time. Things often change when enough time has passed, though the change may not be what we were believing for. There is another more important and reliable reason that things change overnight. It is because God had a plan for it all along.

In the eleventh hour, when it feels like our faith in God helping us with it is over because we can't hold on and keep trying anymore, God surprises us with the answer, the revelation, the deliverance, the solution. The blessing drops. It was going to happen all along. 

God's Holy Spirit set it into motion a long time ago. We had a part in it back when we first presented our request to God and started taking action. As time passed we began to lost hope but God knew all along what he was going to do. He was guiding us all along but not allowing us to see the outcome. 

We wake up one morning and there it is. God presents us with the answer, the arrangement, the help that we need. After he has tested our faith, strained us to our breaking point and tried us in the fire, he gives us what we thought was a long-lost answer. How excited you will be that you did not totally give up. How blessed you will be when you recognize that along with God's revelation of provision that your spirit has also been tempered. Through being stretched to your breaking point your spirit has been strengthened.

I encourage you to continue on. Keep pressing on, trusting God for that thing. You know that your spirit is always willing to go further. It is the flesh that tires and wants to give up. You've got to tell Our Heavenly Father that you are determined to continue to believe that he has the answer and that he is and will help you. You've got to confess to him that you refuse to give up on him, not matter how it looks, no matter what happens, no matter how you feel. You've got to stand.

Trust him. It's so hard because you are being tried in the fire but that strengthens you. He is strengthening you because he loves you. You will be so grateful that you did not turn away from God, the scriptures and praying, that you did not stop doing your part in believing and seeking for a solution. When you wake up on that morning and he has changed your situation overnight, it will be a miracle, both outer and inner! 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Reach Out & Take Authority Of Your Life

Don't put off doing simple things like this that you think about.

How many times have you said you were going to write someone, send someone a Christmas card, call and say hi? How long ago was that? How many Christmases have passed since you said you would do that? Are they even still alive?

Lonely? Bored? Hate going places alone? Have you tried to invite anyone that you know? That you recently met? Have you tried to meet someone and invite them anywhere? Is it impossible? Can you try to make it un-impossible?

Frustrated that people get the wrong idea about you? Can you explain how you feel, what you think? Can you work on expressing yourself? Do you try and people don't listen? Are you trying to get the wrong people or the wrong type of people to understand you?

Have you really taken time to ask questions about something that is important to you that you don't understand? Do you think you will sound stupid? Do you think that someone may laugh? Should you practice not caring that someone may berate you and practice asking anyway, until you find someone who will answer?

Are you afraid that you'll lose friends if you say that you don't like this, or don't want to do that? Should you try to keep those friends happy or even keep them?

When was the last time that you told someone that you like their personality, what they did or what they said? How often do you say thank you? Have you told people you don't know who service you that you appreciate them?

Disappointed that you're always getting what you don't want, don't need, don't appreciate? Have you explained what would make you happy? Are you angry that people don't know? Should you be angry?

Have you brought a great, big smile to someone's face by telling them that you like them? Have you given any person a warm feeling inside by telling them that you don't know what you'd do without them? Have you made anyone's day by telling them that you love them?

It's as simple as that.
Reach out and bless your life.
Do what is in your heart and you can't go wrong.
Even if you are ridiculed, unappreciated and
ignored, you can't go wrong.
They are wrong.
Just keep doing what is in your heart everyday,
and see what happens.

Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."

Mark 9:23

For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.'

Isaiah 41:13

Image Credit: FBook, Positive Energy

Thursday, November 16, 2017

I Prayed And It's Getting Worse! Why?

Often, when we are believing God for big changes, and praying and standing on his promises, the opposite will seem to happen. When we think things should be getting better, some things may seem to get worse. Some areas in our lives may need to collapse, so that God can build upon a stronger foundation that which we desire.

This is not pertaining to the foundation of the life of a Christian, for that main foundation is already built upon the Rock of Jesus Christ. The foundations that I'm speaking about are the areas of our lives that are a hinderance to obtaining what we want. They are superflous things, people and circumstances that need to go, that usually were not introduced by God into our lives to remain in the first place.

Some definitions of superflous include unnecessary; uncalled-for; wasteful. The best definition, though, is obsolete, which means no longer produced or used; out of date. They may have been useful at the time, according to God's plan, but are no longer so. We don't realize that many advancements, relationships and situations that we encounter are not meant to continue along the road with us.

God rarely reveals to us that what is a blessing at one time will become dispensible at his appointed time. These invited-turned-uninvited blessings must be wrenched from our lives in ways that we don't expect, because we don't understand that we must let them go. While God is permanent, the circumstances that he allows or places in our lives are not always so.

How do we handle these potentially upsetting and distressing developments? We continue to stand on the original promise of God. While doing so, we also do what is best at any given time, facing the challenges that God places before us. We determine to continue to have faith in him, while doing our part to fearlessly manage our daily lives, fearing no thing.

We go with the flow and recommit to God daily, loving and praising him with every fiber in our being. The course may veer off along the path at times, but if we are sure of what God is doing in our lives, then the path is the same. It is time to move upwards and onwards to what we asked God for.

Definitions: , Google 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Where Is The Benefit In Feeling Beaten Down?

Sometimes we suffer and are sad because of circumstances that God allows upon our lives. Sometimes we don't feel that we can overcome the devastating feelings, which cause us to drag around listlessly doing our daily tasks. We know that we love God, and we still are able to make ourselves read the Bible and pray during these times, but we feel so beaten down by situations.

We know that God allows these things for our benefit, but where is the benefit in feeling beaten down? Well, we should remember that the beaten down feeling is not the goal of God. That feeling and the circumstance that brought it are being used to get our attention. There is something that he wants us to grasp that is above what the circumstance has caused us to feel. To have us look up to it, he had to spur us up. Like the pointy, sharp boot spurs that a cowboy presses into the sides of a horse to startle him with a little pain to get him moving, God spurs us to move our spirit and thoughts in a certain direction, away from and above the sorrow of what he has allowed.

So when we who are devoted to God enter into a period of trial and tribulation, we should not deny that we feel lost, hopeless and just plain tired. We want to benefit from the experience that God has chosen to use. We don't want to waste it, or have to take that lesson again, so we admit and accept how we are feeling. In the midst of it, we who trust God should then ask ourselves, What is it that would help me to feel better right now? For this exercise, the answer is not money, a vacation or anything outside of us. It is something within. It is thoughts or a way of thinking that will in turn control feelings. It is thoughts that go beyond what we could make up to feel better, because that is why we feel so depressed, because our own thoughts cannot handle it.

This is where being already built up in faith helps us tremendously. Reading the Bible and praying always, when things are going well and we feel great, builds up in us a strong storehouse of faith, hope and scripture references. So when we are suffering like this, if we can reach up and understand something that would make us feel better, a promise from God, a past answered prayer, a strong scripture passage that speaks especially to us, a revelation, a confirmation, that will be one of the things that God is trying to point us to, away from the actual crushing distress. This something that only we would know will pull us up inwardly (not by our own bootstraps which often break) to higher heights of strength, faith, victory and understanding of God. That is when we attain a new level in Christ, which was God's purpose all along.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Waiting On God? Or Just Indefinitely Waiting?

The path to success is not along a familiar route.

~S Holland~


If you are waiting on God, so that he can bring to you something familiar, so that your dreams will come true, you may be waiting 'till you die.

Your fondest dreams will not be brought about through a path you've already traveled, or else you'd already have them.

To have something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done. God will show you what it is. He probably already has.

Don't keep waiting on the familiar, calling it waiting on God, and miss God.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Saved But Worried Or Afraid?

Every day of your life conceive of yourself as living in partnership and companionship with Jesus Christ. If He actually walked by your side, would you be worried or afraid? Well, then, say to yourself, "He is with me." Affirm aloud His promise, "I am with you always." Then change it to say, "He is with me now." Repeat the affirmation three times every day.

~ Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking condensed edition, Chapt. 8, How To Break The Worry Habit, pg. 36. ©1987 & 2008 Peale Center for Positive Thinking. All rights reserved. Guideposts Outreach. ~


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Have A Nice Sunday & Remember That God DOES Care!

...and a nice holiday.

Remember that God always has our best interests at heart,

no matter what it looks like, sounds like or feels like.

He loves us, and that's why we love him!


Image Credit: QuotesGram

Friday, June 10, 2016

"Lord, I Just Want To Give Up, But Nothing Shall Be Impossible To Me."


Most of life is starting over, you know.


Have you had a big disappointment lately? Did something not work out, or did something change for the worse? Did someone let you down, or were you counting on something that did not develop? Does life just seem overwhelming at times? Do these things leave you feeling sad, lonely, depressed or hopeless? Do you just feel like not trying again? I'm sorry. Most of life is starting over, you know. We go to bed. We get up, and we start again. It certainly can be exhausting, and sometimes we just want to give up.


At times like that, all I have is The Word.


I felt that way a couple of times over the last 48 hrs. I said, "Lord, I just want to give up. It's too much. It's too hard. I'm just tired." At times like that, all I have is The Word, and I am always grateful when I feel like reading it, because there are times when I don't. Thankfully, those are few and far between.


It shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to me.


I always feel better when I just open the Bible and read, even if I still have to face a mountain. His word tells me that if I shall say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea, it shall be done. If I shall say to this mountain remove hence to yonder place, it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to me.


This power is available to me.


I may not yet be able to grasp the manifestation of that in my everyday life, since daily issues can seem to proliferate, and seem so overwhelming. But, I feel better just knowing that this power is available to me.


There Is No Rock Like Our God! 

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you.

Image: Free Images

Friday, May 27, 2016

God Is The One Who Is Winning Thank God

God is not a man, who would need to lie. You are safe, though you may feel distressed.
If you believe that God is for you and supporting you, then who can ultimately succeed with their plans against you? What evil influence means for bad against you, God is turning in to good for you. Despite the fact that it seems like all negative, damaging, destructive, distressing and evil forces leveled against you are winning,

God is the only one who is winning.

If you are connected to God through rebirth in his precious Holy Spirit, and growing and becoming more rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus, you are winning too. Those who are living in the darkness in which you used to be, who are allowing themselves to be used as instruments of harassment, mistreatment, conflict, exploitation, oppression and abuse in your life, think that they are winning. They are gleeful that their evil devices seem to be succeeding. Even to you sometimes, it seems like they are winning at every turn.

But rest assured, if you know God, and are drawing nigh to him daily, and seeking his face, then God is winning.

If God is for you, who can be against you. In the end, who is able to succeed against God? If Lucifer was not able to defeat God, then how could your enemies ever be able to? Why fear what man can do against you, or to you. Eventhough the problems, issues and afflictions may be very difficult, and seem at times to be unbearable, somehow, sometime, eventually, sooner or later, it is going to work out for your good. What is happening is not good. It is not God's will for your life, but he is allowing it to happen. This is very hard to accept in many circumstances. Remember that God knows the end of it, whatever that end may be and whenever it may come, and he has planned for the result. This suffering is going to be used to bless you in some magnificent way. It will be magnificent whether the blessing is small or large, and whether it is here, in this life, or the next.

If you read his Holy Word, you know that we have promises from God, and God is not a man, that he would need to lie. You know that there are promises designed to manifest in this world, in this life, and those that will be delivered when you are gone from here, and living with God forever and forever. His Word says that he who delivered up his Son for us all, how shall he not with him freely give us all things? You know that the blessings of God are also for this world, as well as the world after this one. We don't know, as we are living here, what blessings we will receive along our life course, and which ones will be given in the New Life.

So, continue to open yourself up to all of God's blessings, today and everyday, the blessings that come in good times, and the blessings that come in bad times. Remind yourself in the most difficult of times, and never forget, that,

If God be for you, who can be against you?

Who can ever succeed against you, really?

Scriptures: Romans 8:31, 32
Image: Free Images

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

No Rock Like Our God

Neither is there any rock like our God.

Was finishing up my morning devotion, and arranging the pages of my Bible that's falling apart, when it fell open to I Samuel 2. Verses 1-2 blessed me so much that I made this scripture graphic to encourage you too!

God bless you with a special type of encouragement today! Believe and receive, in Jesus' name, whatever your need is! No one can stop you. If God be for you, WHO can be against you? In other words, who can succeed in their plans to discourage, defeat, depress, hinder, destroy or oppress you when you know God? Who can succeed with these evil plans against you? No one. They have not won, they will not win, they cannot win, though sometimes it may appear to be so. They will fall into their own traps, while you are rejoicing in your Lord.

There Is No Rock Like Our God! 

If you would like to be sure that you are Saved, say this simple prayer:

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only Savior as it says in The Bible. Come into my heart, and save me now. I confess all of my sins to you and believe that you died for me so that I can come to know God. I believe and I receive all that you have for me. Thank you for my new life. Show me the way and help me to understand. Thank you that I don't have to fear death anymore, and that I have eternal life in you.

Scripture Graphic: Artsy Craftery Design Studio
Background Image: Free Images

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Understanding And Harnessing The Mind As Ron Carpenter, Jr. Teaches

I was listening to and watching Ron Carpenter, Jr. teach, in his series about the MindWorld, about our understanding of enemy activity in our lives. I felt pressed to share some of his outstanding quotes with you. Like Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind series, I believe in teachings that draw the Christian's attention to the importance of working with the Holy Spirit to take control of and harness the mind. I believe that success as a growing Christian comes through understanding and applying this basic and critical principle.

I do plan to read Pastor Carpenter's book The Necessity of an Enemy, and listen to all of his MindWorld series of teachings. His understanding helps the growing Christian to practically apply the principals of God to every area of life. Here are some of his quotes from the book The Necessity of an Enemy:

"Learning how not to get too high on life's highs or too low on life's lows will help keep you stable."

"But poverty has nothing to do with income; it has everything to do with thinking. Poverty isn't a financial state of affairs. It's a state of mind."

"If you give a cash windfall to someone who's been poor throughout life, the money will quickly vanish. If you leap over several levels of financial responsibility and strength, you don't learn how to be wise with your money."

"Faith comes by hearing, not by seeing. Most people think the opposite of faith is doubt. Not true. The opposite of faith is sight. The enemy wants you to live by something that you saw, something that contradicted what God said about you."

"If you can beat it in your mind, you can beat it in your life."

"If you are passively living life, it's going to pass you right by and your enemies will tear you to pieces."

Here is more info about Pastor Ron Carpenter, Jr., where to buy the book and where to listen to the teachings on Youtube. You should read the reviews at Amazon, Goodreads or anywhere you can find some. Decide for yourself if his book and teachings about this subject can benefit you. Some comments, as usual for anyone who writes and teaches, are quite degrading and critical. Others are appreciative. Make your decision yay or nay, pray, and be led by God's Spirit in you. Don't be moved solely on what others say. Use those opinions as a guide.

About Ron Carpenter, Jr. -

Website & Church: Redemption

Book The Necessity of an Enemy: Amazon -

Youtube Lessons:

The Necessity of an Enemy part 1

The Necessity of an Enemy part 2

The Necessity of an Enemy part 3

The Necessity of an Enemy part 4

The Necessity of an Enemy part 5

The Necessity of an Enemy part 6

The Necessity of an Enemy part 7

The Necessity of an Enemy part 8

Image: Free Images
Quotes: The Necessity of An Enemy. (c)2012 Ron Carpenter, Jr. Waterbrook Press:Colorado.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

It Will Pay Off

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, go apart and read a little of the Bible. Even if you don't feel like it, and you just don't think you can, do it. You'll feel better. Just as you have, I also have asked why God allowed certain hard things to happen in my life, especially things involving my son when I was raising him. So much seems unfair. Some Christians say that we should never ask God why, but it is hard not to when we have suffered significantly throughout life.

God understands our hurt and frustration. Usually, there is no answer at this time for what seems senseless and unfair. But we, who choose to love God, believe that there is a reason for these things, because the Word tells us so. We hold on because there WILL be an end, whether we die or experience the Rapture first, and we don't want to be left out. We want to be with God forever and ever, so we hold on, through the pain of daily life in this world. We know that if we keep reminding ourselves of our faith in The One True God, the God who provided the Savior Jesus Christ for us, it will pay off in the end, and all pain and tears will be wiped away, forever.


Bible Images:
Church Image: Artsy Craftery Studio, "Village Idyllic" watercolor detail

Thursday, February 4, 2016

You'll Feel Better Right Away

One of the most wonderful things about God's Word is its ability to remind us of the help, love and abundant provision that we have.

When we don't feel like reading, and we're not feeling particularly faith-filled, if we will just pick up something and begin to read, we'll be refreshed. This uplifting and renewal can come from Christian books, pamphlets, devotionals, scripture cards, and even song books,
not only from the Bible. 

The Holy Bible, however, is the best book to incorporate into our daily schedules. His Word restores and invigorates. It is everlasting and endures to all generations (Psalm 119:89-90).

So pick up something of God, and start reading, even if your heart is not into it. You'll feel better right away.

Image: free images
Scripture text added by: The Handmaid

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Christian, Mental Illness & God

When suffering with emotional and mental challenges, Christians often ask questions such as is something wrong with me? Who will help me? Should I see a doctor and get a diagnosis? Why is this happening to me? Does God really care? Will I ever be free from this horrible suffering? 

There are many reasons that we struggle mentally. Some of them are hereditary, trauma and tragedy. The environment in which we grew up can cause and/or increase mental struggles. Despite the severity of these challenges, the Christian has a source of help that others do not have. Chantal C., a Christian blogger and artist who has managed her mental challenges for many years, shares,

"When we suffer tragic events and huge changes in our lives that lead to trauma, and on top of that have a mental illness, life can overpower us. We may even be in therapy and taking medication but due to our inner suffering, our support network does not seem to be enough.

What it comes down to, is that when we feel overpowered, trapped and defenseless by situations that are happening in our lives, the one we must go to is God. He is the one that will empower us, free us and give us strength to live the life He wants us to.
We must also ask Him the difficult questions we cannot figure out and understand. Why the torment? What purpose does it serve? With God there is a reason and as painful as our torment is and as hopeless as we may get, we must remember to always trust in Him. He provides for us a way out of our anguish through prayer and Scripture. Let us not give up on His love and salvation, the grace He has given us. Let us always strive for that newness of life in Christ."

I met Chantal through a Google+ Christian group, and was impressed by her insight, progress and honesty in journeying through the painful valley of Christian mental illness. I consider mental illness to be a challenge more so than a death sentence, though sadly it has resulted in death for many. It is, however, no more difficult to manage than other life challenges that also have resulted in death for Christians.

We don't know the answer as to why some Christians are crippled beyond repair by damaged emotions and mental processes, just as there is no understandable answer as to why some people in this world suffer so much more than others. Whatever the level or severity of the mental challenge of any Christian, the answer is always to look to God through Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the Cross. There is always hope in suffering, but some are so damaged as to not be able to grasp this hope, to go about obtaining help, or even to pray. It is important for us who can to always pray for those who suffer mentally and emotionally and who cannot help themselves.

Chantal graciously agreed to answer some deep questions about living with and healing from mental illness and emotional challenges. Here are her heartfelt, insightful and profound answers.

1.  When did you first know that you needed help with your mental processes? 
Though I struggled with mental illness most of my life, it was not until seven years ago, in 2008, that I realized I needed help. My world came crashing down on me and I needed hospitalization. I no longer had the mental and physical health I once did. My body shut down and depression settled within me. I felt like I was failing at life, making one mistake after another—broken relationships and lost of employments. I was once very motivated and had my own photography business but as time went on, it seemed like I was fading away from all that was positive in my life.

I realized I needed extra support when I overdosed twice in 2011. I was living with many life-changing experiences all at once and my mental health could not handle it.

I remember when I came out of the psychiatric hospital how ill I still was. My mind was filled with dark thoughts all the while I felt so alone inside. My emotions where still out of control as they wrestled within me. However, four months later I received the support I needed.

2.  Was there anyone to help you? 

I had many counselors since 2008 but it was in January 2012 that I finally found the right therapist. I started to work on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for personality disorders. This helped me tremendously to understand negative thought patterns, emotions and behavior. I am still in therapy as it takes many years to recover from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Nevertheless, I am healing and doing better than ever.

I also received spiritual guidance. This helped me to seek deliverance as I became closer to God. I also learned many things about myself and God, especially that there was hope for me and that I could find it in Jesus. I was encouraged to read Scripture such as Psalm 51. Eventually, I knew God was giving me a fresh start—a chance at recovery.

3. Did you have formal diagnosis and treatment, and what advice do you give about seeking it?

When in hospital in 2011, I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), later confirmed by another psychiatrist. The diagnosis was a relief to me, as I finally knew what mental illness I suffered from. This explained why I had such a chaotic and distressing life. Receiving a diagnosis helped me to realize I was not the only one struggling this way. This gave me hope. I then started my recovery journey consisting of therapy, medication and spirituality.

In my opinion, I think it is important for a person with mental illness to receive a diagnosis. This guides them in the proper direction for their healing process. Accepting what illness they have and seeking the right support are the first steps to recovery.

4.  How long have you known the Lord and how did you become a Christian? 
I have known the Lord since my early childhood years. My mother was there for me and shared her beliefs about God. As I got older, due to my symptoms, I often drifted on and off my Christian path. One thing I have always known throughout the years was that Jesus was my Savior. I always found consolation in knowing this, especially through the difficult times.

Nevertheless, it was not until three and half years ago that I truly became new in Christ and felt like my life was being transformed. I grew stronger in hope and trust towards God, and my recovery. I started to live that intimate relationship with Jesus, even in the midst of illness. 
5.  During your hardest times, have you ever felt that God does not care, or wondered if He even exists?

I know God always exists, but I felt like God did not care so much, when I lived through spiritual emptiness. These were times where I felt a deep emptiness within my core.  Moreover, I could not sense Him, feeling lost in my spiritual life and on my recovery journey. During the past four years, I have experienced spiritual emptiness many times. I either experienced it for hours, days or even months. Nonetheless, this emptiness would not last, my soul would resurface to God’s Light and I would be in awe of Him—knowing that He is always there even in the darkness.

6. How do you justify the suffering of mental illness with God's love? 
God loves all His children. The suffering that Christians with mental illness go through, is due to this fallen world we live in.  God does not want us to feel the agony of mental illness; He wants us to be happy, healthy and holy.

In order for this to happen, we must realize that we have a recovery journey to undertake and that an essential part of it concerns our relationship with God. We must seek Him with all our hearts in order to heal. Just as we have to accept our mental illness, we have to accept that God’s love is there for us, no matter what we have. Moreover, that His love is stronger than all our weaknesses.

7.  When did you start writing about your journey? 

I was inspired to write about my recovery journey during the year of 2012. When I became new in Christ, I felt called to share God’s Word, especially in a way that would help others with mental illness. Through my lived-experience and this newness of life, I decided at the end of the year to publish my blog. I not only wanted to express my healing process but also give others hope that recovery is possible. 

8.  What is your goal when you write about being a Christian with mental illnesses? 
I want people who are Christians and have mental illness such as BPD, to not feel alone with their inner pain. I know from my own experience the confusion and self-condemnation I struggled with concerning symptoms and faith. I believe others may feel the same way, therefore my goal is to be real, ease the suffering, give hope, offer compassion, and share God’s message. Therefore, to bring them closer to God with a better understanding of themselves within their Christian faith.

9.  When did you start painting and what do you do with your work? 
I have been painting on and off during my life, but the work that I treasure most is what I have worked on during these past four years. My paintings have expressed my pain with mental illness but also the hope of recovery.

I presently share my work on my blog and with Google+ communities.

10.  Are you trying to share a message through your paintings? 

While viewing abstract art, a person can see many things and feel different emotions. Therefore, it is something one lives for themselves. However, what I hope for others to experience when they see my paintings is to be moved in a positive way, and that the artwork may speak to them personally.

11. Can the Christian with mental illness be completely free of it? 
I believe that Christians who suffer from mental illness can find freedom from the torment of their symptoms especially if they have chosen a spiritual life along their recovery journey. Besides therapy and medication, finding our spiritual identity in the midst of the healing process is essential to that freedom.

I believe that individuals with BPD can recover, without a doubt, from their mental illness. I say this because I have always believed from the beginning of my recovery journey that I would recover someday, and I am gradually, three years later. Besides therapy, I knew I could only recover with my ultimate Healer—God. 

I think that recovery, for Christians with mental illness, becomes a success when they have stopped suffering from the majority of their symptoms, and they have started to discover and accept their individuality and the truth about themselves—who they really are without the illness. It is when they have finally found their way to that happier, healthier and holier life. They are free from the inner pain, they sense joy and peace in their lives, and the wounds that their soul suffered from, are finally healed.

Chantal C.
Chantal C. has lived with mental illness since her early teens. Her turning point came in 2012, when with therapy and spirituality she gained insight into her illnesses. Though she had drifted in and out of her faith as a Christian, during this time she found new life in Christ. Her desire is to offer hope to other Christian mental illness sufferers. She enjoys painting, photography and writing, and considers these activities to be healing therapies. 

Chantal has discontinued her two blogs,  Mental Illness & The Christian Faith, and Chantal's Art & Photography, and is working on a new blog presence.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

In Adversity His Power Is Most Strong

Have you ever asked God to send someone to you who is in need, so that you can help them? Ever asked him to show you those who need special prayer? Anyone who has any time under their belt with God knows that the answer often comes in ways that we don't expect, can't recognize and often don't want to embrace.

God sometimes directs to us a person who needs special prayer, but who presents in a disappointing, frustrating or even fearful way.

In other words, he will often allow circumstances in which our fleshly focus will be the offense that a person causes. We then have a choice to allow the anger, frustration or fear to reign and flourish, or we can step back into the Spirit and pray the prayer that God desires for the person. We can then reestablish our faith in God's authority in our lives, and how He protects us through his Holy Spirit and his mighty army of angels.

A young, female stranger in a green hoodie had knocked on our door twice, before I could answer. When I peeked out, she was looking in our mailbox, which was in the yard near the porch. I opened the door, demanding to know what she was doing, and she brushed it off as nothing. I demanded more answers to more questions, including that she must know it is against the law to open mailboxes. She agreed to some of my statements and gave questionable answers to others. At times her attitude seemed to border on belligerence, though I was not yelling or verbally abusing her.

Wanting her to know that she could not take advantage of me, but not wanting to be abusive, I told her strongly that she needed to leave, which she nervously did. I watched her pick up her backpack and jacket from the sidewalk and walk away. I knew that at any time there were many drifters moving through this area. Faith aside, for safety's sake and in respect of our neighbors, we could not invite any of them to stop at our house, when we otherwise would have wanted to help. This is one of the reasons that I told her firmly that she needed to leave, to discourage her from returning.  Also she was trying to con me and seeking to steal from our mailbox.The best thing to do was to get her off of our property, and I did not feel led of the Spirit to report it to the police.

Naturally (the keyword is naturally, or fleshly), after she left I was infuriated by a feeling of helplessness. How could we protect our property from wanderers? It is on a busy 3-lane street and not facing another house. The 2 houses to the left and right diagonally across the street, and the 1 to the side are all facing away and either privacy-fenced or blocked by foliage. To the right was an old, private cemetery. What had seemed like a blessing in privacy was beginning to feel like a liability in safety.

The frustration mounted and then my intercessory prayer spirit kicked in as I thought to pray for this deceitful trespasser.

I have been growing in my ability to look past the person and try to see a need. So I prayed for her. Then I began to think of how God sometimes will test us by sending a person who seems to be a threat, but for whom he wants us to pray a special prayer. God knows where that person is mentally, emotionally and spiritually. God know what he is about to do in that person's heart. God knows when it is time, or almost time. So I went back to my prayer room.

I prayed a 2nd prayer for her, more detailed and more fervent. Then I prayed for myself and our property, reestablishing God's power and authority over his property. How were we going to protect our mail from now on? It was already an ongoing issue to monitor the outgoing and incoming mail, and the arrival of packages. Today though it seemed as if we were being attacked and that the way was being opened for us to be assaulted by trespassers. Isn't that the way that the flesh operates? It breeds never-ending fear and anxiety. I prayed again, and reestablished my belief that God has an army of angels dispatched to protect us and this property from assault. I reasserted that whatever he allows is for a reason and will be recycled for our good.

Why does God sometimes allow us to be tested in this way? Well, it's often twofold. He'll send someone into our mist who now needs a special prayer about something or another. God knows where the person is at, and all that we need to do is pray what we feel, and allow the Holy Spirit to take it from there. Then, God allows to come with the person some annoying or frustrating circumstance so that we can see what we are made of. He already knows where we are at in our walk with him. He also knows where we think we are. The adverse circumstance helps us to see where we are, and to reach up a little higher.

So he often allows a two-fold circumstance so that we can become more adept at choosing to allow his power to work.

It is in a circumstance of adversity that his power will most strongly work for us. It's when we don't feel like it, or are suffering too much, or are too afraid or frustrated, or feel violated when we have a choice to take his power, which we've been claiming and asking for more of everyday, and apply it. It is a choice. We can feel that we are at the mercy of evil, and allow that dreaded fear to take over and multiply, or we can step from our flesh back into our reborn spirit, rise up and invite the power of God that we have been boasting about to take over.

Do I know for sure that God was in this invasion, that it was him who allowed the stranger to enter our property, try to steal from our mailbox and become belligerent and shifty when questioned? No, I don't know for sure. But, I choose to believe that it was God and that he is in control, and that his purpose is to bless her and me through the experience. The only other option is to believe that it was not him and that he is not in control, and that we are at the mercy of anyone who walks by. Go with God. It's as simple as that.

Image Credit: free images.