Daily Living God's Way Everyday

I pray every morning that as I go about my affairs, I will see myself and my life as God sees them. The way that God sees me is with understanding, love, compassion and hope. For God knows the thoughts that he thinks towards me, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give me a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

I also pray for the strength to allow the love that God has shed abroad in my heart to flow out to my enemies, to pray always for those who use me and plan spitefully against me. (Matthew 5:44)

I pray daily to be committed to never repaying evil for evil in any way, form or fashion; not through thoughts, words or deeds. I pray to always be of a mind to overcome evil with good, to trust my Dear Father and to walk in his light. (I John 1:7)

Run Into The Strong Tower

There will be lies and threats through Satan and his helpers. 

God, however, is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble. He knows those who trust in him.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are safe.

Remember who you are in Christ Jesus!

Nahum 1:7

Proverbs 18:10

Ephesians 6:10-18


Christian Products: God, I'm Tired Of Praying Book

God, I'm Tired Of Praying: What To Think About How You Feel

You are tired of praying and do not find joy in it like you used to. You have been faithful and diligent but your fondest desires have not been fulfilled. You are grateful to your Father In Heaven, but even some needs, as you see them, have not been fulfilled.

Things have happened that you asked God to prevent. Things have not happened that you asked him to bring about. You have had tragedy or devastation in your life and prayers are not helping. They have not helped for a long time. You are sad and feel hopeless about your prayer life. You are afraid that you may never be able to pray in faith again.

Chapters in this book, such as Tired Of Believing In Prayer And Feeling Guilty and No Hope Of Ever Feeling It Again, confirm that you are tired of praying. The chapters I Can’t Pray Another Day and I Just Can’t Make The Effort Anymore, and other chapters, verify that you can't do it anymore.

Your real, deep feelings are supported by chapters like, If God Was Going To Give Me That Blessing He Would Have Done It By Now and Why Should I Pray When I Can't Stop What's Going To Happen?

Without judgement, I address the real feelings of Christians who are bone-weary from praying and believing in prayer. Within these chapters you will find validation for how you are feeling and comfort in learning that there is nothing wrong with you or your faith. As you read and I talk directly to you, you will also find inspiration and hope.

God, I'm Tired Of Praying: What To Think About How You Feel is a compilation of my You Are Here: Tired Of Praying & Weary posts from my blog, Draw Nigh To Hope. It also includes new content not shared at the blog.

This is a good book for you and others that you know to have handy in the valleys as you grow in your prayer walk.

Available in hardcover, paperback and Kindle.



Do You Understand Your Worth?

You are worth a lot to God. Do you know how much?

Do you see the value in yourself that God sees?

How can you be in relationships with people who don't when you have a choice?

There needs to be a transformation so that you can see you how you really are in the Kingdom of God.

Romans 12:2

Psalm 119:105

You mean SO much to Our Father. You don't deserve inferiority or mediocrity. Nothing like that is worthy of you. Get it right and see yourself like God sees you! You can learn. He's given you his Word to teach and elevate you.

Take the journey upwards now. Step on the elevator of God and be uplifted to the heights of understanding where he intends for you to be. You mean something to God, more than you've ever known before.


Image Credit: Google

Trust God Acknowledge God Commit It To God

Is there something that you're trying to do all alone, as you've always done? Are you taking that step without the guidance that is available to you? Have you forgotten that Our Father is always ready to assist you in your decisions, directions and pursuits? 

Do you realize that Jesus wants you to give him the things that concern you and that he is favorably talking to Our Father about you? 

Have you learned that the Holy Spirit will comfort you as you face that new plan or goal, if you invite him in and listen to him? Have you learned that he will guide you on the path so that you don't have to worry about the direction in which you are going?

Trust God today.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and learn not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Commit your works unto the Lord and your thoughts will be established. Proverbs 16:3

Commit your way unto the Lord, trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5

Trust God Acknowledge God Commit It To God

Christian Products: Perfect Peace & Joy Unspeakable

 Perfect Peace &

Joy Of The Lord Scriptures

A paraphrased design of 4 popular Christian scriptures.

 Philippians 4:7, 1 Peter 1:7, Isaiah 26:3, Nehemiah 8:10

The peace of God that surpasses understanding,

Unspeakable joy,

The joy of the Lord is my strength,

Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon him.

Purchase POD products of this design at

Draw Nigh To Hope Shop at Redbubble.

Available on 47 products.


Fill your life with reminders of Christian living. 

Spend your money on merchandise that glorifies God Our Father and Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. 

Surround yourself with products that invite in The Holy Spirit, Our Comforter and Guide everyday.

  As a self-taught designer, crafter, writer and artist, like Lydia in Acts 16, I design and make beautiful things.
My creative ability comes from God The Father and Jesus, The Only Savior of mankind, is the center of my life

In order for God to bless us through our talents, skills and creativity, we have to put our work out there. That's why I share Christian products here at Draw Nigh To Hope.
 I want Christians, who may not otherwise know about them, to have a chance to buy my products that lift up Christ-centered living.
Proverbs 22:29 states:
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings;
he shall not stand before mean men.
 Do you see a man who excels in his work? 
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before unknown men.

If you or anyone you know sells handmade products or designs merchandise that glorifies God, let me know so that I can take a look. I may do a feature here.

joy unspeakable, peace that passes understanding, philippians 4 7, 1 peter 1 7, isaiah 26 3, nehemiah 8 10, joy of the lord, my strength, perfect peace, christian living, religious, faith, paraphrased scriptures, draw nigh to hope, christian strength

Victory In Advance

~ God's got the jump on what your enemies are trying to do. Consult him. Listen to him. Do what he says and you'll have the jump on them too. ~

Christian Products: Don't Give Up I'm Praying For You

Don't Give Up
I'm Praying For You

A Christian get well soon sympathy design to let someone know that you're standing with them in prayer for their healing, through the power of God.

Purchase POD products of this design at

Draw Nigh To Hope Shop at Redbubble.

Available on 34 products.


Fill your life with reminders of Christian living. 

Spend your money on merchandise that glorifies God Our Father and Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. 

Surround yourself with products that invite in The Holy Spirit, Our Comforter and Guide everyday.

  As a self-taught designer, crafter, writer and artist, like Lydia in Acts 16, I design and make beautiful things.
My creative ability comes from God The Father and Jesus, The Only Savior of mankind, is the center of my life

In order for God to bless us through our talents, skills and creativity, we have to put our work out there. That's why I share here at Draw Nigh To Hope.
 I want Christians, who may not otherwise know about them, to have a chance to buy my products that lift up Christ-centered living.
Proverbs 22:29 states:
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings;
he shall not stand before mean men.
 Do you see a man who excels in his work? 
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before unknown men.

If you or anyone you know sells handmade products or designs merchandise that glorifies God, let me know so that I can take a look. I may do a feature here.

getwell feelbettersoon prayingforyou faithinhealing healingthoughts sympathy drawnightohope redbubbleartist christianredbubble redbubble redbubbleshop feelbetter getwellsoon dontgiveup believeinhealing believingforhealing palmleaves purpleandyellow lemonandlavender berrystems

Things Change Overnight

I don't know how to impress upon you the importance of being faithful, of pressing on through dissatisfaction, confusion and fear. It is imperative that you continue to do your part, though it seems like nothing is happening. Whatever your need is, whatever you have presented to God, keep working towards the answer. 

I have heard it said that at the time when we feel like we can't go on, God comes through. When we feel that we are going to break but then choose to push on one more time, God sends the answer. All of the cliches, it's darkest before the dawn and there's a silver lining behind a dark cloud, seem to be true after we are stretched to the limit and still trusting God.

One of my favorite scriptures that I quote everyday is, Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (Psalm 34:19) If your thinking is similar to mine, you feel that God does not have to deliver you out of them all. For some wants and needs that develop ever so often you want deliverance through favorable outcomes. 

In those situations, we fervently pray and hope that God will deliver the help that we need ASAP. Praying, believing and working towards a goal that seems to be moving further away is an affliction from which we definitely want to be delivered. 

We work hard everyday to trust Our Father and build ourselves up in our most holy faith. We believe The Most High God will increase our faith. We practice everything that we know to strengthen our resolve and fortify us spiritually, but nothing seems to be happening. Nothing is happening towards the thing that we are believing for.

Not only are we doing our part spiritually but there are efforts that we must make towards the goal for which we are believing God. We must look. We must work. We must pursue what we need. We have a part to do and we're faithfully doing it. Time is ticking and we start thinking of various solutions because nothing is happening. Though we know God is with us and we're on the right track, we're not getting anything concrete from God. He's not giving us enough information for us to be sure of the outcome.

My mom has been gone to Jesus now for about 2 years. She used to say, Things change overnight! That was one of her favorite sayings that comforted us when we were struggling or pressured. I find myself repeating her words often. Things change overnight! They truly do. One reason is the passage of time. Things often change when enough time has passed, though the change may not be what we were believing for. There is another more important and reliable reason that things change overnight. It is because God had a plan for it all along.

In the eleventh hour, when it feels like our faith in God helping us with it is over because we can't hold on and keep trying anymore, God surprises us with the answer, the revelation, the deliverance, the solution. The blessing drops. It was going to happen all along. 

God's Holy Spirit set it into motion a long time ago. We had a part in it back when we first presented our request to God and started taking action. As time passed we began to lost hope but God knew all along what he was going to do. He was guiding us all along but not allowing us to see the outcome. 

We wake up one morning and there it is. God presents us with the answer, the arrangement, the help that we need. After he has tested our faith, strained us to our breaking point and tried us in the fire, he gives us what we thought was a long-lost answer. How excited you will be that you did not totally give up. How blessed you will be when you recognize that along with God's revelation of provision that your spirit has also been tempered. Through being stretched to your breaking point your spirit has been strengthened.

I encourage you to continue on. Keep pressing on, trusting God for that thing. You know that your spirit is always willing to go further. It is the flesh that tires and wants to give up. You've got to tell Our Heavenly Father that you are determined to continue to believe that he has the answer and that he is and will help you. You've got to confess to him that you refuse to give up on him, not matter how it looks, no matter what happens, no matter how you feel. You've got to stand.

Trust him. It's so hard because you are being tried in the fire but that strengthens you. He is strengthening you because he loves you. You will be so grateful that you did not turn away from God, the scriptures and praying, that you did not stop doing your part in believing and seeking for a solution. When you wake up on that morning and he has changed your situation overnight, it will be a miracle, both outer and inner! 

Succeeding Despite Ridicule: A Testimony Of Faith And Persistence

When my first writing (which was a poem) was selected for publication decades ago, a close and much older family member retorted, "Don't think you're better than others!"

That hurt and affected me negatively for years but I kept on writing and studying about writing and publishing. That and other slights and rejections starting in early childhood crushed my spirit in many ways. 

Though that mean comment often replayed in my mind, it eventually faded into the distance. Though it had done damage, one day I found myself to be successful, in satisfaction and fulfillment, in pursuing my writing goals.

Nothing comes to perpetual dreamers who only rest and fold their hands. Successful people do the things that others don't like to do and that others ridicule them for. They invest time and consistent effort in visions that burn within and they never give up.  

Compassionate people do not oppress others in their tender growth. They endeavor to build up those who are trying, especially children and teenagers whose lives can be destroyed through consistent insults. It is difficult for some to rise above non-support and oppression.  

Though others laughed at me and brushed off my efforts throughout the years, ridiculing me and saying in derogatory ways that I liked to play with papers, I kept playing with those papers. I kept writing and editing and filing and re-filing those draft manuscripts. 

Through the years, my files bulged and I dragged them to everywhere that I moved. I had unrelenting faith in what I was doing and an ever-burning love of the craft of writing and publishing.

Today, I am the only one in my family or in my previous circle of associations, that I know of, who has published books. While I've found creativity in my ancestry, I've not yet found anyone who published a periodical or a book.

Despite the rejection and derision that I have endured, I loved writing and other creative abilities that I'm blessed to have. I'm SO grateful that what God put in me could not be killed. I've done nothing but improve and progress over the years, adding more skills and talents along the way. 

It was hard to rise above the dejection that dogged me but God brought me through even when I did not know him and was not open to him. It was He who blessed me with my creative talents and He protected them, as He has protected me in many ways. 

I have published 7 themed journals, 1 prayer prompt journal, 1 children's book, 1 business book and am about to publish my 11th book, which will be my 2nd Christian book. 

Glory be to God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit! I now rely upon them entirely for my acceptance, validation and support. So Grateful! So Thankful! So Blessed!

My encouragement to you is to hold on to what you believe about the good thing that you are doing. You must choose to believe that some where, some way, some how you will accomplish what your spirit is burning to do. 

Our Father has given you all that you need to succeed. It is inside and members of The Godhead will help you to use the tools which you have been given. You are special! You are loved! They care about you! Press on! Keep going! Don't stop!