Book: I Am Prospering Everyday

I Am Prospering Everyday: Scripture Declarations & Prayer Prompts

You want reading the scriptures to make a difference in your life and you read the Bible everyday in order to be transformed. You are always seeking ways to understand what the ancient scriptures mean to you today and how you can allow them to change and renew you.

God's Holy Spirit is always helping you to discern and rightly divide the scriptures so that they make sense to you. This is how paraphrasing can help. We do it everyday when we read scriptures, ponder their meaning and ask God to open our understanding and give us revelation knowledge on the messages.

The 32 scripture declarations in this journal are taken from the King James Version of The Holy Bible. I have then included paraphrases of each one. This means that my understanding of each scripture, through my Bible studies and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has been written in simple, modern-day, American language. It is the way that we read and understand the scriptures in order to apply them to our lives in a practical way.

As you read the scriptures and their paraphrases, you will find space after them to write your own understanding and prayers. With the prayer prompts that I've included, you can expand your prayers to Our Heavenly Father through writing out your thoughts.

Also included are blank, lined pages at the end of the book, under the title My Power Scriptures. The word my means you. This is where you can make a log of 20 of your favorite, most life-changing scriptures. One two-page chapter is set aside for each scripture.

My prayer is that this scripture declaration and prayer prompt journal will aid you as you grow in the Lord. May Our Father bless you richly in every way, through his precious son, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, the only Savior of mankind.




I know the Lord, I know the Lord!

My spirit jumps for joy!

I know the Lord, I know the Lord!

And death has been destroyed.

For God's the very heart of me.

I love him evermore.

Without him never want to be.

I know the Lord, oh joy!


(c)Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope



Oh God, did you set up

My deliverance decades ago?

Oh Father, did you set the stars

To turn in my favor?

You always come through

No matter what the challenge

Or fear.

You help and deliver,

Free and clear.

To my heart and my soul,

You are dear.


(c)Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope

Image: Google



I study your Word.

It's lovely to me,

Though sharp and cutting and true.

It brightens my path

And straightens it too.

It turns my gray skies to blue.


(c)Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope

Poetry: Everlasting Nature


I have beautiful mornings with you.

As I sit quietly and watch,

Nature abounds.

For you and nature are one.

You created the beauty of nature

And it is everlasting and eternal.

It comes from you

And never ends.

My love for nature will never end.

One day I will enjoy it upon

The shores and hills and fields

Of a pristine Heaven and earth,

The way you meant it to be.

Everlasting nature.

Everlasting God.

Everlasting joy.


(c)Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope

My Hope Of Heaven by Edwin O'Hanlon

Imagine you’re taking a trip. You arrive at the airport check-in desk, but you’re the only passenger there. Security's a ghost town. So is your gate. You board an empty airplane and meet no one the entire flight. No captain. No stewardess. No one.

In many ways, this is death. We enter this world alone, and we leave just the same. But what if the person you loved most of all was eagerly waiting for you once you disembarked the flight? That ought to warm your heart and stop the trip from feeling like a Twilight Zone episode, right? Well, Jesus promises just this!

The joy of hoping on heaven purifies the lives of the redeemed. Paul says: If you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God (Col. 3:1). Paul toiled tirelessly for the Church’s sanctification because he knew heavenly eyes are the best shield against sin. 

We may be positionally righteous on this side of heaven, but none of us are practically perfect until we go to be with the Lord. We must look ahead to the sweet hereafter. And when our day of departure comes, may we share Paul’s desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better (Phil. 1:23). Amen and amen. Come Lord Jesus.


Edwin O'Hanlon

Christians celebrate both the Cross, where Jesus gave His life to rescue us, and the Crown, symbolic of His victory over sin and death. 

He died and rose again that sinners like me might forever know and love God. 

My mission now is to rejoice in Christ, explore Scripture, and magnify its loving author by publishing weekly articles at

Poetry: I Love Your Word


I love your Word.

What can I say

About the fears

It does allay.

Your Word is sweet,

A joy to me.

I eat and drink

Your Word with glee!


(c)Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope



Oh, to worship you!
No problem!
To get on my knees is to
Feel the loving kindness
Of a Father
Who sacrificed his Son
For my redemption.
There was no reservation
Or exception,
For I was fully embraced
And brought into
The greatest kingdom
In existence.
I will reign with Christ.
So to worship you?
No problem!


(c)Sandra Johnson/Draw Nigh To Hope

Book: God, I'm Tired Of Praying - What To Think About How You Feel

God, I'm Tired Of Praying: What To Think About How You Feel

Available at Amazon as hardcover, paperback and Kindle.

You are tired of praying and do not find joy in it like you used to. You have been faithful and diligent but your fondest desires have not been fulfilled. You are grateful to your Father In Heaven, but even some needs, as you see them, have not been fulfilled. You wonder, Should I give up on prayer?

Things have happened that you asked God to prevent. Things have not happened that you asked him to bring about. You have had tragedy or devastation in your life and prayers are not helping. They have not helped for a long time. You are sad and feel hopeless about your prayer life. You are afraid that you may never be able to pray in faith again.

Because God knows your heart, He knows that you want to pray. He knows when you think about praying and when your heart proclaims that you will, whether you are successful or not. He knows when you say to yourself, I should pray. I used to be able to pray. I need to pray. Your prayer desires are not lost on Our Heavenly Father. You may not feel faithful but he is aware of your faith.

Chapters in this book, such as Tired Of Believing In Prayer And Feeling Guilty and No Hope Of Ever Feeling It Again, confirm that you are tired of praying. The chapters I Can’t Pray Another Day and I Just Can’t Make The Effort Anymore, and other chapters, verify that you can't do it anymore.

Your real, deep feelings are supported by chapters like, If God Was Going To Give Me That Blessing He Would Have Done It By Now and Why Should I Pray When I Can't Stop What's Going To Happen?

You're hurting because you feel that these feelings are not like you. You don't understand what is happening to you. If you could, you would take yourself back to when you believed wholeheartedly in prayer and looked forward to it. When our hearts are crying out and the desire to pray has fled, we don't need more to-do lists, instructions or criticism. We need empathy.

Without judgement, I address the real feelings of Christians who are bone-weary from praying and believing in prayer. Within these chapters you will find validation for how you are feeling and comfort in learning that there is nothing wrong with you or your faith. As you read and I talk directly to you, you will also find inspiration and hope.

Come, let's talk about your weariness...

God, I'm Tired Of Praying: What To Think About How You Feel
is a handy compilation of my You Are Here: Tired Of Praying & Weary posts from my blog, Draw Nigh To Hope. It also includes new content not shared at the blog.

This is a good book for you and others that you know to have on hand in the valleys as you grow in your prayer walk.

Available at Amazon as hardcover, paperback and Kindle.

God, I'm Tired Of Praying: What To Think About How You Feel

He Is Also Coming Back

All of us who love him should make a commitment to think about Jesus always. When our minds stray, an alarm should go off, sirens should scream and red lights should flash to remind us to bring our minds back to Jesus.

As we all know, daily life is becoming more dangerous. While living in fear is not God's desire for us, we can no longer be assured that we will never encounter a fatal situation. We don't know when we could unexpectedly leave this earth. While I know that I am saved through the Shed Blood of Our Dear Savior, Jesus Christ, that is not enough for me. 

Should I leave unexpectedly in any way or should he return before I leave this earth, I want my mind to be as closely upon him as it can be at that moment. I don't want my mind consumed by the cares of this world, desires and distractions when the Word tells me that My Savior will come back in the twinkling of an eye.

During this Easter Day celebration, let us remember that yes, Jesus has risen. Yes, Jesus is alive but he also is coming back and is worthy of our daily thoughts.  

For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. (I Thessalonians 5:2)

Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. (I Corinthians 15:51-52)

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. (I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

Image Of Resurrection Garden: Domestically Blissful